Saturday, July 4, 2015

Chasing Rainbows

     The waiter had just brought our meal when the storm hit.  The lights flickered.  The wind blew.  And more diners came in soaking wet.  Not exactly how we had planned to spend our Friday evening, but my daughter and I had a good time anyway.  Of course that meant running out in the pouring rain as we left but we laughed and it kind of became an adventure. 
     As she drove us home, the sun started coming out and I knew what would be happening next.  Being a long time fan of rainbows, I began looking all around. I have to say her enthusiasm wasn't quite the same as mine, but she did a great job with her part as driver while I scoped out the skies. 
     Then I saw it.  The colors were beginning just outside the back driver's side window.  Not sure which direction it was but I know it wasn't the west because that's where the sun was working towards going down. 
     I'm afraid this is almost a sickness with me.  My family and friends have always humored me.  And this was no exception.  I snapped pictures and danced in my seat with excitement as my daughter drove home. 
   Just before arriving home, the rainbow became full!  I couldn't wait to jump out and start taking more pictures.  In fact, I kinda got told I unbuckled my seat belt a little too soon......  But what was I supposed to do?  It was amazing!
     I took picture after picture, none of which did this wonder justice.  The colors were absolutely brilliant.  Running out in the pouring rain after dinner was certainly worth this.  Perfect timing.  God's timing.  Just like the other rainbows we've seen lately.  (See "The Wisdom to Know the Difference" )       Many many years ago I declared the rainbow my favorite color.  Not every color of the rainbow.  But the actual rainbow.  Sometimes I have trouble making up my mind and saying a rainbow was my favorite color.....well it made my life a lot less stressful back then!  My favorite color has changed a few times since those high school days but I still consider a rainbow right up there as one of my favorite colors.
     But a rainbow is not just a color or colors.  And that's something I have loved explaining over the years.  A rainbow represents God's covenant that He, after destroying the earth with the flood back in Noah's day, would never destroy the whole earth like that again.  In Genesis 9 God said a rainbow would always remind Him of His promise.
     So, like God's covenant with man, a rainbow has always reminded me of a covenant.  A promise.  It is a representation made by God.  Not by man.  I don't want to know how it is made scientifically.  I don't need to know.  I just need to know it was made by my God.  It's in Genesis.  It's even in Revelation.  And I'm pretty sure I will be chasing rainbows even when I'm really old.....and not just the old that my kids think I am now. 
     So the next time you see a rainbow, I hope you are filled with wonder.  I hope you are filled with awe at our amazing God.  I hope you think of how He always keeps His promises.  And I hope you fell like a kid just like I do and enjoy every second of the beauty!

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