Friday, December 19, 2014

Let God Re-Write Your History

     Ever wish you could take something back?  Something you did or said that if you could just take it back, your life and the lives of those you love would be completely different.  Something that you think can't be forgiven?
     Believe it or not, most people feel that way about something.  At least people who have had a relationship with Jesus at some point.  It's called 'being under conviction' and the Holy Spirit brings it to your mind.  I've experienced it too.  Sad thing is there are so many people who, instead of asking God's forgiveness and letting Him heal them, try to fix it themselves and end up getting deeper and deeper in sin.  They end up drawing more people in, hurting more people and especially hurting those they truly love.
     Did you know that God can re-write your history though?  Does it mean what you did never happened?  No.  What it does mean is that, when you repent, it's gone in God's eyes and that's what matters!  The Word tells us He takes our sins, after we ask His forgiveness, and casts them into His sea of forgetfulness.  He throws them away as far as the east is from the west.
     Don't believe me?  Would you believe Him?  Micah 7:18b-19 'You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.  You will again have compassion on us; You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.' And Psalm 103:11-12  For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.'  See.  Told you.  He said it in His Word.  He has compassion on those who trust Him! 
     Psalm 103 has even more good news.  V17-18 tells us "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and His righteousness with their children's children--with those who keep His covenant and remember to obey His precepts."  Now that's amazing!  Not only will He forgive, He will bless your children and grandchildren because of your repentance! 
    Now that's an amazing God!  There is none like Him.  When you ask for and accept His forgiveness, He will re-write your history and make your future and that of your family better than you could ever imagine!  He said it in His Word. 
     Now here's where the  re-writing of History really comes in.  Those sins.  Those horrible things that have hurt your loved ones and so many others and broken the heart of your Savior.  Once you ask His forgiveness and repent, Romans 8:28 kicks in.  "And we know God causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."  Those things that were so horrible.  He not only forgets them after you repent, He causes them to result in GOOD!  No one else can do that.  Absolutely no one. Just our amazing God.  He completely re-writes your history for good! 
     Won't you let Him re-write your history today?  He's waiting.  He wants to forgive you.  He longs to forgive you.  His desire is to bless you and your family.  Please let Him.  Your future and the future of your family depends on it. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Choices of Two Daughters-In-Law

     Ruth.  That's who came to mind today when I was told I was a good daughter-in-law.  Nursing home visits are not always easy or convenient.  And I should probably go more than I should.  I hear "I love you" over and over while I'm there.  And "thank you" for every little thing I do or say.  The CNAs and nurses are so sweet to brag on me too.  But Ruth.  I know I don't compare.
     Let's take a look at Ruth and her mother-in-law.  If you recall, Naomi's husband and two sons died, leaving her a widow with two widowed daughters-in-law.  The other daughter-in-law?  Orpah.  Yes that's spelled correctly.  Oprah is actually the one who's name is spelled wrong from what I understand.  Anyway, the tradition was that if a man died, his brother would take his wife as his own and raise children in his name.  But Naomi had no other children and that just wasn't going to happen.
     Noami released her daughters-in-law to go back to their homeland.  Neither really wanted to go but Orpah saw no other way and so she left.  Ruth, however, told Naomi that wherever she went, Ruth would be right there with her.  I know it's usually used in weddings but the "whither thou goest I will go" is actually what Ruth told Naomi.  Ruth vowed to take care of her mother-in-law.  She honored Naomi and wouldn't give up, knowing there probably wouldn't be much in it for her.
     Together they traveled and came to a field where people were working.  Naomi recognized it as being owned by a relative, Boaz.  Ruth was careful not to step on any one's toes, but she gathered what she could from the field to feed herself and Naomi.  Boaz saw her and told the other workers to leave some grain for her.  Awwww.
     Naomi so appreciated and loved her daughter-in-law.  And Ruth loved and respected her mother-in-law.  When Naomi instructed Ruth to go to the threshing floor where Boaz was sleeping and to lay down at his feet, she did just that.  What a way to get a husband!  Boaz knew there was one other relative closer to Naomi than he was so he made sure that relative didn't want Ruth.  And when that relative didn't want her, a new history began!  Ruth was actually David's great-grandmother!
     So what happened to Orpah?  According to Rabbinic Literature, Orpah became the mother of four Philistine giants, one of whom became Goliath.  Wow.  See what happened?  Orpah left her mother-in-law and didn't take care of her.  Ruth wouldn't give up.  She honored her 'mother'.  There is really nothing else we know about Orpah.  But we do know that David, as a young boy, killed the giant Goliath by being obedient to God's instructions and not fearing what could happen to him.  So it seems Ruth's great-grandson defeated Orpah's son.  Wow.......
     Ruth.  Not only was she David's great-grandmother, but..........she was an earthly ancestor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Oh the benefits of being obedient!  Can you imagine?  All because of her choice to honor and obey.
     Do you have a choice to make?  Will you choose to follow the Lord?  He has such amazing plans for you.  But you, like Orpah and Naomi have to decide.  Would you rather be like Orpah?  Or would you prefer to be like Ruth?  Your choice.  Your life.  Whichever you choose will be your legacy.   (see Legacy)  You have a choice.  Would you rather be found In the shadow of Goliath or the shadow of the Cross?  I so want to be like Ruth.  Not just by being a good daughter-in-law.  But by being obedient to my Lord. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Has God Ever Loved Me?

     Has God ever loved me?  Wow.  What an awesome responsibility.  When I write here, often it's just for fun.  Sometimes it's God inspired.  And I usually pray it touches someone's heart.  But when I was looking at where the traffic was coming from and saw that someone had googled  and I quote "has God or Jesus ever love me......." it took my breath away.  Just to think that someone was searching and really wanted to know if God loved them and that search brought them to my blog.
     So.  Here's the answer.  Yes.  God loves you.  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him should not parish but have everlasting life."  John 3:16.  Yes Jesus loves you.  He came to earth, perfect and sinless, just for you.  Jesus lived a sinless life but was treated like a horrible criminal, just for you.  He died on the cross just for you.  Three days later he rose again and then 40 days after that He ascended to Heaven where He is waiting for you. 
      Now that you know He loves you, what comes next?  Well let me tell you.  The free gift of God is eternal life (Romans 6:23).  How do you get that gift?  The Bible tells us that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  There is not one person who has not sinned.  What does sin do?  It separates us from God.  Does He still love us when we sin?  Yes.  But God is Holy.  He cannot participate in sin.  In fact, sin is really the only thing God doesn't understand.  Why would He?   Is there any sin He can't or won't forgive?  No.  He will not only forgive your sins when you ask Him, He will forget they ever happened.  That's how much He loves you!
     Would you like to know Him?  Would you like forgiveness of your sins?  Then pray with me please.  "Dear God.  Thank you for sending Jesus to die for me.  Please forgive me of my sins.  I want to live for You.  Take my life Lord.  Jesus come into my heart.  I accept You as my Savior.  I ask you to be Lord of my life.  From this moment on, I am yours.  Amen." 
      Now.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says that you are a new creation!  You sins have been washed away by the precious blood of Jesus.  I encourage you to pray and get to know Him.  Find a church.  Worship with other believers.  Read His Word.  Learn to trust Him.  He has such an amazing plan for you!  I'm praying for you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Joseph's View

     It wasn't his child.  Can you imagine how Joseph felt?  Not only was his soon to be wife pregnant, but the child wasn't his.  How did he find out?  An angel, of all things, told him.  What did he have to look forward to?  Ridicule.  Shame.  Disgust maybe?  Why should he believe that angel?  He knew he had not been with Mary.  How would he explain this to his family?  Or to his friends?  It was an embarrassment.  It was a sin!  Well it would have been had it not been that this was the Son of God.    
     Raising a child is not an easy task.  I can't even imagine the doubts, the emotions, the confusion, or even the questions Joseph might have had.  Was he to treat this child differently than he would treat his other children?  Would he be able to love him?  If this really was God's Son, would he obey his child or would his child obey him?
     The Word tells us that Jesus never sinned.  Now I don't know about your kids (I've got a pretty good idea though!) but our kids can be real stinkers at times.  And I have it on good authority that I wasn't always the perfect child either.  But Jesus never sinned.  Even as a child.  I guess that, at least in that respect, Joseph had it easy.  Even when Jesus stayed back and taught in the synagogue as the rest of the group went ahead and then His parents realized it and had to go back for him.  He was being about His Father's business.  His parents couldn't even fault Him because He was doing God's work.
     Joseph did teach Jesus his trade.  Carpentry.  That's the way it was done.  A father passed his trade down to his sons.  Jesus grew up with His hands in wood.  And He died with His hands in wood.  Joseph knew, from the prophets, what Jesus' fate would be.  Did he doubt it?  Did he wonder?  Did he want to protect Jesus and keep it from happening?  Jesus was to die on the cross.  Did Joseph wonder about this at times when he was working with wood and think about the hands and feet of his precious son being nailed to the cross?
     Watching our kids go through difficult times is not easy.  Yet we know that they must go through some things to grow and learn.  As a parent, most likely Joseph wasn't any different.  Still, in the back of his mind was he always thinking about Jesus fate? 
     The Bible doesn't mention Joseph being at the crucifixion.   Joseph had died prior to that.  I would imagine though that Joseph would have been brokenhearted just like any father.  He had raised Jesus as his own.  He had watched Him learn to walk, talk, read.  He had taught Him everything he knew.  And here was Jesus, dying on a cross.  How did He get here?  This perfect little baby.  Born, of all places, in a barn!  And here He was.  Dying on the cross.
     Thing is, this was God's plan.  He loves us so much that He sent His only Son, a part of Him, to earth.  Jesus was to be born in a barn.  His family was maybe middle class, not royalty.  But Jesus didn't complain.  He knew why He was here.  He was born to die.  He loves us so much that He was literally born to die.  But that's not the end of the story! 
     Jesus was born in a manger, died on a cross, and was raised to live again!  Today He reigns in Heaven with God.  While his earthly life was not even close to what most of us want, He did what all of us should do.  He obeyed His Heavenly Father.  Right down to being beaten, ridiculed, and even killed in the most inhuman way known to man.  But He did it.  He did it for you.  He did it for me. 
     I think Joseph would have been very proud of his Son.  I'm sure he was a wise man.  He had to have been or God wouldn't have chosen him for such an awesome job.  How about you?  God has an awesome job for you as well.  Will you listen to Him?  The only way our lives are worth anything at all is if we obey Him.  Giving ourselves wholly to Him.  I believe Joseph set an amazing example as a father.  He taught Jesus to obey.  I'm sure Jesus would have obeyed anyway because He was and is perfect.  But still.  Joseph didn't waiver.  He stayed the course.  He obeyed the Lord.  He loved Jesus and treated Him like his own precious son. 
     Do you know Jesus?  Would you like to know Him?  The Bible tells us that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  But the FREE gift of God is eternal life!  How do we obtain eternal life?  By accepting Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  Living for Him.  Obeying Him.  Loving Him.  Whether we were born in a barn or live in a mansion, He died for all of us.  Seriously.  Do you know Him?  Would you like to?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Tis the Season

     I will admit it.  I became overwhelmed.  Now I am fully aware that I'm not supposed to feel that way.  But when your family consists of mostly males and your only daughter is away at college, Christmas duties start closing in.  Yes.  It's just the first week of December.  But I used to have almost everything done by now. Yes the tree has been decorated for over a week.  And the boys got the outside lights done.  Unfortunately there are still Christmas decorations in a pile under a nice Christmas throw though that still need to find a place in our home.  (They were just laying out in the open but Pippa thought each un-placed decoration was hers and she kept eating them.  So the Christmas throw is now more than an decoration itself!)
      As our kids are basically 'grown' we had intended to give them just money this year.  Maybe one gift each and some stocking stuffers.  But really just money.  I got to thinking though.  Everyone loves to open gifts! So my husband and I discussed it and as usual, he gave me a much higher gift budget than I expected!
     Then comes the not so fun part.  I am not a shopper!  I don't enjoy making the decisions of what I think someone else would like.  Most of our kids won't even give us a clue and that's hard.  But each Christmas  Dillard's gives Firefighters, Police Officers and Military a 20% discount for 2 days.  Knowing my time was running short, on Thursday morning I began to panic.  By noon I had worked myself into such a tizzy that co-workers could obviously see!  Cutting my work day a few hours short, I headed out to do some quick errands and then shopping.  Whoopee........
     But before I could really do much shopping, I needed hubby's Firefighter ID for Dillard's.  So a trip to the fire station was in order.  I was greeted by my bunker pants wearing husband who had just come back from a run.  We discussed other things than shopping for a while and we had a fun conversation with another smiling fireman who always seems to be working out when I visit that particular station.  Funny thing this time though.  The ambulance came by.  My husband introduced me as his spouse to a paramedic who was proudly proclaiming my sweetie to be his favorite fireman!  I told this paramedic that my man was my favorite firefighter too of course!  We had a lively conversation as my husband stood, red-faced but grinning.
     Well the trip to the station gave me a little bit of a breather before I started my real task.  Shopping.  I'm sure that as I neared the mall my blood pressure went way up.  Thankfully one of our sons met me in the men's department and has no idea what a huge help he was.  While he was picking out what he liked, it gave me opportunity to know what the other boys would like and before I left I had made purchases for all five of my guys, my daughter and even a little something for myself!  Thank you Dillard's for honoring our heroes and keeping me well within budget.
     So.  With a chunk of my shopping done, house almost decorated completely, picture Christmas cards printed, Christmas letter done and approved, all I have to do is finish shopping, wrap the gifts, address the Christmas cards (if I could find my list!), make sure I haven't forgotten anyone, bake the Christmas goodies, make the Christmas candy, finish decorating, keep Pippa out of the Christmas village......I'd better stop.  I'm having trouble breathing and my heart is pounding!  Tis the season.......

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


     Where does wisdom come from?  Ever hear the old Helen Reddy song "I am Woman"?  That 1972 release (yes, I remember it well) proclaimed "yes I am wise but it's wisdom born of pain".  While there is some truth in wisdom being born out of pain,  real wisdom comes from the Lord. Proverbs 2:6 tells us "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding".  It's something we should seek and even look for like it's a hidden treasure.  We are to desire wisdom.
    Ever thought about the benefits of wisdom?  As we travel on down through Proverbs chapter 2 we are told of those benefits.  Like how about this....wisdom will actually save us from the ways of wicked men.  We know we should walk the straight and narrow path.  But did you know that wisdom will actually provide us a way to do that and protect us from walking the same path as those who are crooked and devious in their ways?  Yep!  It says it right there in the Word!
     Know anyone who has been lead astray by the flattering words of someone else?  Depending on the translation, and I enjoy using several translations while studying the Word,  Proverbs refers to this person as the alien woman, adulterous woman, forbidden woman or strange woman.  Whichever translation you choose, it goes on to say that this woman has left the husband of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God.  She has no respect for the covenant she made before God so what would make anyone think they could trust a word she says?  But just think....pursuing wisdom instead of listening to those flattering words will actually save you from living like you are dead!   Wisdom always gives life.  This woman only gives death no matter how pretty the picture might be that she paints with her words.
     I must admit.  I feel really badly for that wicked man who walks a crooked path.  Void of wisdom, he's on his way to hell.  Unfortunately he wants to take others with him.  And when he befriends the unsuspecting, he accomplishes his plans.  Hell gains two or thee or thousands all because of that one who walked a crooked path, convincing others it was the way to go.  If he had only sought wisdom.
     And what about that alien or adulterous woman?  She thinks she is happy but she's like a black widow spider.  Anyone pulled into her web by her flattering words in the name of "love"   is actually sentencing to a living hell.  Her words entangle and trap.  The victim  or victims didn't see it coming until it was too late.  This woman is doomed to the pits of hell and wants to make everyone else miserable just like she is, but she doesn't even know it.  How different would her life and the lives of her victims be if they had just sought out wisdom instead of evil and broken covenants.
     But wisdom.  Yes wisdom.  Proverbs chapter 2 goes on to say that if we walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous we will live in the land.  We will own it!  But the wicked and unfaithful will be torn from it.  How completely different is the life one who pursues wisdom instead of being lead astray by the wicked or  the black widow spider.
     So is there no chance for us if we make the mistake of following the wicked or listening to the flattering words of that black widow spider?  Well if that were so, our God wouldn't be that great of a God would He?  Thing is, He can even save the wicked man and the black widow spider.  But only if they repent.  Will there be wisdom?  Of course there will be if there is true repentance.  You see, the one who truly repents seeks after God.  No longer does it matter what you've done. Once He has forgiven you, it's like those sins never happened in His eyes and that's what really counts.  Will there be scars?  Yeah, probably so.  Remember wisdom born of pain?  Well that's it.  Is God the origin of that wisdom?  You bet!  And that pain will now be used for good.  Wisdom wins.
     As I said earlier, I used several translations as I studied the benefits of wisdom today.  One last verse, and this one is from the Good News Translation of Proverbs 1:7 "To have knowledge you must first have reverence for the Lord.  Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn."  So there you have it.  Plain and simple.  To be wise, first  we must have reverence for the Lord.  Any other attitude.....well I'm not the one who said it..... 
     Seek wisdom.  Look for it like it's a hidden treasure.  And then store it, build on it, thank God for it.  Treasure it.  And share it. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Giving Thanks

     Growing up I pretty much thought of Thanksgiving as a good time to get out of school and, more importantly, the jumping off point for Christmas!  It was a time to get together with cousins and aunts and uncles and eat all the traditional Thanksgiving foods.  Well mostly traditional.  I remember when a new cousin-in-law brought enchiladas.  That was many years ago and no one had a clue what they were!  While the food was always plentiful and always good, I couldn't wait til we drew names for Christmas gifts.  (Funny thing, we always had a lot of food at Christmas too but I didn't know that until I was a teenager.  I never got passed the living room where the tree stood guarding all those presents!)
     Now that I'm older---and so is everyone else---Thanksgiving has a whole new meaning.  I still consider it the jumping off point for Christmas.  And, unlike my 7th grade Geography teacher, I don't start listening to Christmas music right after Thanksgiving dinner....I've been listening for weeks....and blessing my family with text videos of me driving and singing along with the radio....right now tough it's time to give thanks.
     So, here I go.  I'm thankful for my husband who works way too hard to provide for our family.  It took me a long time to realize that working hard to provide for us was his love language.  And I'm thankful that he has passed this example down to our kids.  He also gave them the desire to learn.  They are brilliant!  Yes, I'm bragging.  But I'm also very thankful that we have been blessed with kids who are so smart!  My family constantly amazes me and I am truly blessed.
     I'm thankful that this year that we've gotten to spend more time together as a family than we had in many years.  And we have pictures to prove it!  Some of the pictures are a bit goofy but we have pictures none the less.  I'm also thankful for the time my husband and I got to get away this summer, just the two of us.  There are certainly advantages in having grown kids! 
     There are a lot of in-law jokes.  But I'm not making any.  I am so blessed to have in-laws who regularly let me know they love me and think of me as their daughter.  We call each other when we need prayer and we call each other to announce those prayers are answered.  Now how many people can say that?
     I'm thankful for a mom who taught me never to give up.  You can't tell that little lady that she can't do something.  She'll show you!  Maybe it's because she's tiny and felt like she had to prove herself.  Maybe it was just born in her.  But she doesn't give up.  And she is also quite the prayer warrior.  Just call her and tell her what's up. She's praying before she hangs up the phone.
     When I was a little girl, we were all 5 piled inside the cab of my dad's pick up truck.  I remember we were arriving in the front yard of Great-Aunt Dolly's house.  I don't know who was being discussed, in fact I don't think I even knew the person my parents were talking about.  But my dad said "She's not a lady.  There's a difference between a woman and a lady."  That stuck with me and I've thought about it many times over the years.  I'm thankful that my dad, unknowingly, defined for me just what being a lady meant.  A lady is upstanding, of good reputation, basically who we read about in Proverbs 31.  And a lady is who I always want to be.
     I'm thankful for our amazing little Pippa!  That little dog has brought so much fun into our lives.  We didn't realize what we were missing in our home until we got her.  She chews up favorite shoes, clothes and hats.  Even ate a credit card.  But she is quickly forgiven and the next thing you know she's being carried around, hugged or taught a new trick. 
     Friendship.  Wow.  What can I say?  This year I've experienced restoration in friendships.  I've been blessed with new friends.  God has allowed me to not only be supported by friends but He has allowed me to use the things I've gone through to help friends, old and new.  Oh I am sooo thankful!  No trial we go through is for naught if we give give our whole lives to the Lord.
     I'm thankful for laughter.  I've realized over the years that I tend to be on the serious side and not always enjoy life.  That's not what life is about.  Yes, we must have seriousness.  But we need fun too!  Proverbs 17:22 tells us that a cheerful heart is good medicine.  I don't know if it's age or just finally taking a cue from my husband and kids, but I'm learning to laugh and I love it!  They can turn almost any situation into something fun and I'm ever so thankful for that.....most of the time!  They may not always get my humor but I'm trying!
     Most of all, I'm thankful for Jesus.  Our Savior.  Our God.  I really don't know how anyone survives without Him.  Our God is truly the God of second and third and forth and even more chances.  He forgives and forgets.  He wants what's best for us so much that He even allows struggles to come into our lives so we can truly have amazing lives.  God has allowed me to grow and trust Him.  I thought I already did.  But I'm learning I didn't really trust Him before.  I tried to do everything on my own.  Thank You Lord for teaching me to trust You.  For showing me that You ALWAYS keep your promises!  Thank You for sacrificing everything so that I may live.
     Well there's a lot more I'm thankful for but that's for another day.  :)

Friday, November 14, 2014


     This week I cleaned out a closet.  It's that closet everybody has where things are kept that you don't always use but can't get rid of.  Those odd items that  don't really have another place.   Old cassette tapes, VCR tapes of the kids that have long since been converted to DVDs.  The glue gun along with various crafting materials.  And quilts.
     Quilts are something that have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  I love quilts.  There's nothing like a cold winter night under a pile of quilts!  But the quilts in this closet are special.  They are part of our legacy.  Quilts that belonged to both of my grandmothers and one of my husband's grandmothers.  In fact, they didn't just belong to them.  Along with aunts, mothers, sisters and other ladies, our grandmothers made these quilts.
     Just what is a legacy?  The Bible says that (Proverbs 22:1) a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.  Ecclesiastes 7:1 tells us that a good name is better than perfume.  A man gives his name to his bride when they marry (I still love writing my married name after 25 years!  In fact I told my husband recently that it still makes me smile after all these years.)  A man gives his name to his children.  A good name is a legacy.  You are known by that name.  Unfortunately a name connected with a bad reputation is also a legacy.  Whatever the case, a man's name is a huge part of his legacy.
     But a quilt.  My mom used to go to the 'quilting' every Tuesday when we were kids.  All the church ladies would meet and quilt and talk and eat.  Those ladies made some amazing quilts.  But the quilts in this closet were much older for the most part.  Heavy with that old cotton stuffing.  One in particular was apparently made for my paternal grandparents by ladies of the community, maybe 80 years ago or more.  Each square has an 'H' for Hale, which is my maiden name and of course their surname.  Embroidered inside the H's were the names of the people who made the squares (some had names of husbands and wives....romantic even!) and helped make the quilt. It's absolutely amazing.  Every time I see it I imagine that quilting bee where the ladies gathered together quilting, sharing recipes, talking about their husbands and watching their kids as they ran around the room playing.  So not only is that amazing piece of artwork a legacy, so are the memories that go with them.  The patchwork quilts made from scraps of material from dresses and shirts. 
     When I think of my grandmothers though, there is a lot more than quilts in the legacies they left.  Both had very hard lives.  Both were marriage standers when no one even knew what that meant.  One raised seven kids and one raised two.  Both stood by their husbands during very difficult years.  The way the world sees things today, my grandmothers would have been expected to give up and move on.  I am so grateful they didn't.
     My maternal grandmother lost two babies and raised two kids.  She made everything from soap to clothes to a plaque we have hanging over our dining table today just like she had hanging over hers more than 50 years ago.  She stood by my grandpa, enduring difficult times and doing things women today would consider way beneath them.  I've watched her pluck chickens, pasteurize milk and make any dress or outfit I could come up with.  She spent her Sunday afternoons cutting hair for the men and boys of the family and then making dinner for all of us.  And when my grandpa became ill and had to be moved to a nursing home, she went to see him every chance she got.  She continued giving him haircuts just like she had done for almost 70 years.  She made sure all his belongings were labeled and accounted for.  They attended church together at the nursing home and worshiped the Lord together despite their circumstances.  And she loved him.
     My paternal grandmother raised seven children.  She, too, stood by her husband.  A woman in her shoes today would be considered off her rocker if she 'put up' with things my grandmother put up with.  But she stood.  And it paid off.  I didn't realize just how much until about a week ago when I came across the sheet music for a song my grandpa had asked me to sing for him when I was a teenager.  The song, "I Have Returned", felt like torture to me as I would perform it in churches back then.  I didn't like the music or the words.  The song seemed ridiculously long and my dad even timed me when I would sing it to see just how long it really was.  But when I came across it last week and sat down at the piano, the words came alive!  I realized why it was so important to my grandpa.  The words spoke of being a prodigal and returning to the Lord.  They were deep and meaningful and I couldn't believe I didn't realize it sooner.  He loved the song because he had been that prodigal.  And he had returned. And I'm so glad my grandmother stood.  She prayed. And she loved him.
     So what will your legacy be?  Will you leave a good name?  Will you teach your kids how to love and respect their spouse?  Will you show them you chose to live according to God's Word instead of according to the opinions of the world?   What will the patches in your patchwork quilt include? Will it be there for your grandchildren to remind them of a godly legacy?   It's up to you.  What kind of legacy will you leave?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Shadow of Goliath or the Shadow of the Cross

     The thought keeps coming to me.....would you rather be David slinging the stone at the giant or would you rather be the one the giant falls on when he is defeated?  David was just a kid.  But He knew God even then.  (Yes David failed the Lord as an adult.  But Psalm 51 was written by David as he repented of his sin.  Oh thank God for His merciful second chances that He offers us over and over again!) 
     When David chose those stones, He was acting out of obedience to God.  Not even the strongest or bravest soldier had been able to defeat the giant.  And when David asked for the opportunity, those tough guys didn't know what to think.  They tried to outfit him in their armor but it wouldn't fit.....same as us when we try to be protected by any armor other than the Armor of God (Ephesians 6).  No other armor will do. 
     A little piece of leather, 3 stones, and an obedient heart.  David needed nothing else.  And what happened?  David did something no big strong soldier had ever been able to do.  He defeated the giant!  Not for a minute.  Not for a day.  FOREVER! 
     But what about those who were laughing at David?  Those standing on the same side as Goliath.  Those who didn't believe.  The Word doesn't tell us this happened, but it could have.  What about those who didn't get out of the way and were crushed under the weight when the giant fell? 
     Ever feel like you are facing a giant?  A giant of the past.  A giant of denying God.  So many horrible things clinging on to you that it appears impossible to get out of it.  So when that giant comes crashing down, and it will, who will be crushed under that weight?  When lies are exposed, who will be hurt?  Those you love the most perhaps?  Most likely.  When 'secrets' come to light, and they will, who will be crushed under that weight?
     Crushed.  Those who have not repented.  Those who did not believe.  Those who did not obey.  And those closest to them.  Those who thought it wouldn't happen.  Those caught off guard when that giant is brought down by God. 
     So we have a choice.  Be crushed under the weight of the giant when it falls.  Or be obedient like David.  Whether God is telling you to face that giant head on like David did or simply deny that giant and get away from it, the important thing is to obey Him.
     Whether you obey God about that giant or whether you deny Him, one day that giant will be defeated.  FOREVER!  Where will you stand?  In the shadow of the giant as it falls?  Or in the shadow of the Cross where all of our sins are forgive.  All our circumstances brought on by bad decisions.  Every thing we have done wrong.  Every sin.  It all disappears with one drop of the pure blood of Jesus Christ.  And a bonus.  Once God forgives us of a sin, He will NEVER remind us of it again.  We are free in Him.  Do you know Him?  Would you like to?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

To Be a Masterpiece

     Ever looked at a Masterpiece and wondered just how it came to be?  Was it created by a novice?  Probably not.  Was it created quickly?  A Masterpiece can only be created by one....a Master. 
     Did you ever try to fix a broken piece of pottery, a picture frame or even touch up a painting that had faded?  Didn't work very well did it?  Cracks show and paint doesn't match.  Unless you are a Master potter, frame maker or painter, it's just not going to turn out so great.  And me, when I try to fix something I want it fixed quickly.  Just not enough patience and always want things fixed before they are ready.  
     It came to mind this week that a Masterpiece can't be a Masterpiece until we leave it in the hands of the Master.  Of course I'm not talking about a sculpture or painting, although this would apply there as well.  I'm talking about our Creator. 
      The Master.  The Word tells us in Proverbs 139:13 that the Master, God, created every part of me.  He put me together in my mother's womb.  So who better to go to when we have a problem but the One who created us?  Verse 15 says that when my bones were being formed, carefyully put together in my mother's womb, when I was growing there in secret, God knew that I was there.  He had already allotted my days before they even began.
     Wow.  God not only knows me, but He knew me before I was even formed.  In fact, He, the Master, put me together!  And He even already knows how many days I will live.  Psalm 139:1 and forward of that same chapter says "Lord, you have examined me and You know me.  You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts."  He knows if we are working or resting.  He knows all our actions.  He knows what we will say before we say it.  He surrounds us on every side.  He protects us with His power.  There is no where we can go that He is not.
     What a Master.  He not only created us, He knows absolutely everything about us.  Start to finish and everything in between.  He knows when we are going to fail Him too.  And it hurts Him.  But He is not just any Master.  While not everyone surrenders to the Master, He still knows all.  There is absolutely no sin that can be hidden from Him.  Adam and Eve tried.  It didn't work back then and it won't work now. 
     But our Master.  He forgives.  There is not a sin He won't forgive.  There is not a hurt He won't heal.  There is not a broken thing, created by Him, that He won't repair.  Is your life broken?  He created it.  He would like to fix it.  But the Master can't make a Masterpiece until we leave all the pieces in His Hands.  Every piece.  Just give it all to the Master.  He will restore like no other.  May not be in a flash but it could be.  And it could take years.  But He can't start until you give it all to Him.  Every piece.  Won't you give it all to Him today? 


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stepping on Acorns in the Street

     Guess you could say I don't believe in coincidences.  Well, yeah, you can say that because I don't.  And I'm realizing that more and more myself.
     This afternoon I was taking a walk.  Apparently there are a lot of oak trees in our neighborhood and I never realized it til today when I was feeling like a kid and enjoying stepping on acorns in the street.  That crunch was just too much fun to resist!  And I'm old enough now that I don't really care what people are thinking while I walk down the street stepping on acorns and smiling. 
     How does stepping on acorns in the street relate to me not believing in coincidence?  Well God told me a couple of things while I was enjoying my trek today and He used those acorns to do it.  It was no accident.  First, seed.  Acorns are seeds that fall from the oak tree.  Like the parable Jesus told in Luke 8, I started thinking about sowing seed.  The seed, in the parable, is the Word.   
     Earlier today I was present for the seed being sown in a place I normally am not in attendance.  But because of my disbelief in coincidence and that I knew God was telling me to be there, I went.  I observed hungry hearts.  Hearts belonging to bodies that couldn't take care of themselves any longer.  Minds that weren't as sharp as they once were but who wanted to hear the Word.  As I watched one of these individuals repeatedly take out his false teeth and another hold up her stuffed animal and proclaim it her baby, I also saw sweet souls who hungered to be there.  They didn't care who brought the Word.  They didn't care if they were in a fancy building or if there was an elaborate sound system, wi-fi or fru-fru coffee available.  They just knew they wanted the seed, the Word, sown in their hearts. 
     How many times do we overlook people?  People who are really hungry for the Word.  People who have lived their lives for the Lord like the ones I observed today.  They have experienced Psalm 34 "O taste and see that the Lord is good!  Blessed is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him" and they want more!  And how about people who have never know Him but they want to know Him? People who are ready to receive the seed, the Word, in their hearts and lives.  So many hungry people.  Really hungry people who long to have the Word sown in their hearts.
     As I continued my walk and stepping on more acorns in the street and thinking of people longing for the seed, the Word,  "On a hill far away stood and old Rugged Cross" started playing through my mind.  Coincidence?  Awwww.....we know better.  Remember I was stepping on acorns.  Seeds for trees.  Now I'm not saying that the Cross was made of oak because I'm pretty sure it wasn't.  But there were seeds that fell or were planted in good soil.  That seed grew into strong trees.  Those strong trees were cut down.  Someone worked hard to turn that wood into a cross.  The Cross.  The Cross where my Savior died for my sins.  He didn't have to.  He chose to.  God knew when (actually before) those seeds were planted that those seeds would grow into the trees that would become a cross.  The Cross. 
     Me stepping on acorns in the street.  Those seeds won't become anything.  At least not something that will grow.  But this time God even used those seeds that fell in the street to remind me of His love for us.  A seed was planted.  It grew into a tree.  It became The Cross that was the instrument used to humiliate Jesus for me.  To kill Jesus for me.  And for you.  Do you know Him?  Would you like to?  He's still sowing seeds today.  And The Cross is not the end of the story.  Praise God!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Do-Over

     Well after I got over being a Fire Station pinup girl (Haha...not really over it!) it has been an interesting week.  Of course I'm not really a Fire Station pinup girl.  But I'm still smiling over seeing our anniversary announcement from the newspaper posted on the fridge at the station. When some firefighters I hadn't met before came in the bank where I work this week, I was busy on the phone.  Couldn't help but wonder if they recognized me from the picture.  When I mentioned it to my husband he responded that they probably didn't realize who I was because the picture was in black and white and I was in color!
      Today I'm still amazed at how God chose to show me that picture on the fridge.  Crazy stuff lead up to it.  The devil was working overtime.  But what the devil meant for evil, God used for good!  So amazing how that works out!  All in God's perfect timing.
     Also got a do-over this week.  A Holy do-over.  Isn't it interesting how we can stress and worry over something from the past?  I had done that.  Had been told how horribly I handled something.  Had been reminded of it over and over for several years.  But this week, in the middle of the night (boy we have a lot of stuff that happens in the middle of the night!) something happened.  This time, instead of 'dealing' with it myself, I woke my husband and told him what was up.  I told him I needed him to take care of it.  And he did.  Did he do it like I would have done it?  Not at all!  There was no yelling.  There were no kids storming out mad in the middle of the night.  Took me soooo long to get this right.  And so thankful God allowed me to have a do-over!   After all, I'm not the man of the house.  My husband is.  And I'm thankful!  I don't want that job.
     Our God is the God of second  Mercy.  Have you ever sinned?  I know.  Silly question.  We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)  Then we seem to get the idea that living in that sin is all we deserve.  Guess what.  That's not God.  The devil wants us to think we don't deserve any better.  But God has a different idea.  A better idea.  He wants to give us a do-over.  And how do we get that do-over?
     Before discussing that, let's talk about what the devil tells us.  He convinces us to sin.  He tells us that it's not so bad.  That we aren't hurting anybody.  That we deserve what we interpret as happiness.  He's really good at convincing us that we are right when we are really so terribly wrong.   We can so easily get got caught in the trap of the enemy.  A good way to test and see if it's the what you are being told contrary to the Word of God?  If so, it's the enemy.  Don't listen to him!  Run to the Lord as fast as you can!  God will NEVER tell you to do anything or bless anything that is contrary to His Word. 
     When the Holy Spirit whispers to our hearts that we have sinned and need forgiveness, the enemy usually yells back, NOOOOO!!!!!!  Satan is good at making us think we don't deserve any better than the sin we are wollering in.  Before we are saved, he tells us we aren't bad enough to need a Savior.  After we are saved he's good at telling us that we aren't good enough to deserve a Savior.  Oh my, don't listen to him please!
     But God.  BUT GOD!!!!!!!  God gave His best, Jesus, so that we can have the best, JESUS!  My heart breaks for those who are listening to the lies of the devil.  Those who think they are really living.  Those deceived by the enemy.  Those working for death.  (Romans 6:23) For the wages of sin is death.  Wow.  They are working for death.  But....BUT!!!!!!!  the FREE gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord!!!!!!!!  What a gift.  So it's your choice.  Death?  Or would you like a Holy do-over?  Just ask.  The Father is waiting for you.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I Never Even Knew

     I have to admit I have not always been the best fire wife.  Just seemed like my husband was having the time of his life and getting paid for it while I was living like a single mom.  With five kids, I can't even count the number of school functions I've attended alone and angry that he wasn't there.  While he would talk about taking naps, jokes they played on each other, cooking and eating with the guys, playing basketball and watching movies, I was busy wiping noses and backsides, feeding finicky kids, and eating whatever I could scrape out of the bowls after the kids were done.  So lonely for an adult conversation, I longed for even a telemarketer to call!  (They probably put me on their own do not call list after I asked them how their kids were, where they were located, what the weather was like there and would they please call again tomorrow!)
     Until recently I thought I was alone in feeling this way.  Then I came across some other firefighter wives on twitter.  Suddenly I discovered I'm normal!  We all love our firefighter hero husbands.  And most of us have resented their jobs at one point or another.  But we are normal.
     Realizing that my fireman may have some down time at work, during a 24 hour shift he definitely needs it.  I know now how selfish I have been.  I know he would have loved to have been able to spend more time with me and our kids.  But he also saw things I didn't see.  Like a fleet of cars we would need in order to get those kids to school and college in the future (which is actually now our present).  While I got the bills from the mailbox, he knew that he had to get them paid.  I, of course, often reminded him of those bills.  Boy was I selfish.  I should have been enjoying our time together.  Instead I was making him miserable by bringing up the very reason he had to be away from us so much.
     At the beginning of my husband's career, we visited him at work almost every shift.  Carrying babies, dragging toddlers and preschoolers, off I'd go in the family truckster.   We would unload and overtake the fire station.  Little boys running everywhere and all wanting dad's attention.  We all craved his attention.  But since he had to work two jobs, we didn't get to see him much at all.  In fact, one evening after a way too long time without dad, our middle son (3 1/2 years old at the time) was so excited to see dad that he tried to balance on the clothes basket where dad was putting away his dirty uniforms.  Unfortunately he slipped off and broke his foot! 
     As years went by and kids got busier with sports and other school activities, the visits to the station greatly diminished.  In fact, we would go months and months without going at all.  Somehow I developed the idea that those guys didn't like us coming around anyway.  In my mind I had deduced that they not only didn't want me around but that they even made fun of me behind my back and to their wives.
     Then today.  Today.  We had some things to go over for the kids and hadn't had time so I went to the station.  Hadn't even planned to go inside but my husband wanted us to sit down and discuss some college stuff our daughter needed us to take care of.  Sitting at the dining table, we studied the information we had been given.  He had to leave the room briefly so I walked around, looking at their huge aquarium that housed turtles (pretty sure there were some fish in there the last time I visited....guess the turtles had a snack) and other points of interest.
     While perusing the notes on their fridge, something caught my eye.  It was a newspaper article announcing our 25th wedding anniversary two months ago!  There I was, on their fridge, staring back at myself!  Absolutely blew my mind!  When my husband returned to the room I asked him about it.  He smiled and explained that these were posted in many of the fire stations all over town!  I asked if they did that as a joke.  He said they did not.  That he had received congratulations after congratulations from co-workers.  One station in particular had gone all out in congratulating him on our anniversary. 
     What did I learn from this?  That I was wrong.  Dead wrong.  These guys really care about us.  They care about our marriage.  They care about our family.  I never even knew.  I never even thought it possible for that matter.  But now I know.  I'm smiling.  Blessed and thankful. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

If It's Wrong, Forget It

     Ever have anyone do something bad to you?  Well that's a dumb question.  Ever do something bad to someone else?  Yeah, you know you have.
     As humans, and if you're reading this I'm pretty sure you're just as human as I am, we tend to hang on to things other humans do that hurt us.  Whether done out of spite, jealously, anger or even by accident, it seems there is a space on our personal hard drive we call a brain that is made especially to keep record of wrongs done to us.
     I Corinthians 13 is often associated with romance.  While the "love" chapter definitely relates to, well, love, as I've said before it's more about Jesus than we usually realize.  Without Jesus we don't have love.  Not real love anyway.  Real love is described here.  Let's take verses 4-5 for example.  Love is patient and kind.  It doesn't boast and isn't proud.  It doesn't dishonor others or bring attention to itself.  It's not easily angered.  It keeps no record of wrongs. 
     Wow.  Love keeps NO record of wrongs.  It doesn't say that love puts that bad stuff in the back of the mind to bring up later.  It doesn't say love forgives only those who grovel and beg for forgiveness.  Nor does it say love only forgives those it's married to or parent of or related to in some other way.  If we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we are to love.  Period.  Love.  Love our neighbor as ourselves. (Mark 12:31)  Love our enemies  (Matthew 5:44) and even pray for them.
     Again, wow.  In fact, big WOW.  It's easy to forgive someone who sincerely asks and then never does anything hurtful again.  It's easy to forgive when you're head over heels, mushy kind of in love with the sweetest person on earth.  But forgiving someone who has wronged you.  Someone who stays up at night trying to think of more ways to persecute you and generally make your life miserable.  Oh sure.  You could get mad and persecute them right back.  Well you know you could.  And you probably have.  I know I have.
     But to quote a popular saying from a couple of decades ago......what would Jesus do?  Don't have to think long on that one.  He would forgive.  In fact, He already did.  He gave absolutely everything He had.  His dignity.  His comfort.  His blood.  His life.  Can I even come close to that?  No.  But He has been teaching me a huge part of love lately.   Letting go.  If it's wrong, forgetting it.  And praying for those who hurt me.  I don't know if they mean to or not.  And that's really between them and God.  I just know love doesn't take into account a wrong suffered.  Whether it's from a friend or foe, love forgets it when wronged.
     Love doesn't take into account a wrong suffered.  Who are we to love?  Our spouses, our families, our friends and even our enemies.  Are there benefits?  Oh sure.  Sleeping better.  Peace within.  And smiling.  So if it's wrong, forget it.  That's what Jesus does. That's love. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Communication----Keeping the Good Stuff

 The commercial comes on and says "the average kid texts 20 words per minute".  Yeah right.  I'm pretty sure most octogenarians can text faster than that.  Since first being given a cell phone, my kids have been able to text without misspelling a word while studying for a test, watching tv and playing video games all at the same time but never even looking at their phones!  If they ever got as slow as 20 words per minute I would think something was wrong. 
     Ever notice how fast you can text when you're mad?  Seems those words just fly from your fingers.  And then it happens.  The person who texted you doesn't understand what's going on and stops texting all together.   Maybe there was a text that you interpreted one way but the texter meant another way.  Or maybe you misread it.  Then it escalates and you both are mad.
     What would be different if real communication had happened?  If things were clarified.  If, instead of flipping out, the texter and the textee stopped to weigh what was actually being said and why.   Or if a phone call was made so the inflection in the words could actually be heard and not just assumed because the assumption was most likely wrong.  Let's face it.  Texting is NOT the best form of communication.

Mom's Losing It
     Recently my kids had a talk with my husband without me knowing it.  Because I seem to ask them the same questions over and over lately, they think I'm having memory issues and felt their dad needed to step in.   I had to laugh when they told me.  While I've heard from them several times that they are going to put me in a home as soon as I'm of age, I don't think I'm quite there yet!   The reason I ask them repeatedly their school and work schedules......well there are 6 of them and one of me!  Unless they write it down for me, keeping up with even two other schedules is tough.  But 5 or 6, please!   It's called being a mom.  We care if there is a family meal during the week.  We care if there is family time during the week.  We try to keep things together.   And since all but one of these people is male, I don't think they will ever understand.
     Speaking of being a mom, how many of you have saved things your kids made?  Pretty much part of the whole mom thing is keeping cards made by kids, awards they've won and papers they've gotten really good grades on.  But do we keep those papers covered in red marks or negative teacher comments?  Of course not!  Besides our kids thinking mom was losing it because she asked schedules over and over, they also decided mom was losing it because I seemed to not think about the bad stuff but remember the good stuff.   "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable---if anything is excellent or praiseworthy---think about such things."  Philippians 4:8.  This is the reason I smile and don't dwell on the bad stuff!  And that's what I told my family when they finally told me their concerns.
      Communication.  It takes time.  It takes patience.  It takes givers.  It takes receivers.  And it takes forgivers.  Haha....and sometimes forgetters!



Sunday, September 21, 2014

You've Got to be Kidding! (Leather Jackets, Brett Favre and Hooters)

      While on our vacation/anniversary celebration trip last month, my husband and I were advised by a very nice hotel clerk in Jackson that a trip to the Outlet of Mississippi in Pearl would be well worth the trip.  Now I'm not really much of a shopper, well except for shoes of course, but when hubby and I shop together we usually have a blast.  It's like we turn into George Burns and Gracie Allen when talking with the clerk at the register.  (If you're really young, look them up.  You'll know what I mean.) Never knowing what the other will say yet being able to play off of pretty much anything, we leave the clerks laughing pretty much every time.

If it looks like leather and smells like leather, it's leather right?

     After going to a couple of high-end stores with high-end prices (it may have been an outlet but most of their prices were uptown prices) we found ourselves in a leather store.  It was so obviously a leather store by the smell that even blindfolded we would have known it was a leather store.  The prices were absolutely amazing and  we couldn't believe that they could sell leather at such low prices!
     Browsing through  purses and other leather goods,  I found an adorable red leather jacket that I just couldn't imagine leaving without.  I probably could have found a few more things but I really wanted hubby to get a jacket as well.  For the last couple of years, except while on duty, he's been wearing a gray furry Columbia jacket.  With dress clothes, jeans, or even wind pants, he would zip it up high, looking like a gray bear of some sorts.  And, as you can imagine, he has been called Mr. Rogers a time or two with that jacket closed almost all the way up.  So I convinced him to try on a jacket that was absolutely gorgeous on him!  The friendly clerk was so willing to knock off another 20 bucks from the already 75% off that we just had to go ahead and buy it.   As we had never had jackets quite that nice, I asked for care instructions.  The clerk readily handed out advise for our new leather purchases.  He also told us about his photo album of former girlfriends and about places he had visited in our state.
    We shared some laughs and left the store, proudly carrying our new leather jackets. We thought we had pulled off our usual check out counter show.  After all, we got a good deal and left the clerk smiling.  We continued to  think we got a good deal until we got home and I looked at the tags.  They looked like leather.  They smelled like leather.  They weren't leather.  Guess the laugh was on us.  But we'll look good this winter anyway!

He looks like who???????

     We had just about shopped til we dropped (doesn't take us long)  when my husband spotted a kitchen store.  We had visited one at another outlet last year and found some interesting gadgets so he asked if I wanted to go in.  At first I declined.  But it seemed like he really wanted to go in so we did.  Now this is where it gets good.  The clerk looked at him and gasped.  Staring right at my husband she asked "Are you Brett Favre?"!!!!!!  I busted out laughing!  Now that was one we had never heard before!  Of course we were in Brett Favre country so it wouldn't be impossible for him to be there....unlikely maybe but not impossible.  As I shopped, hubby talked with the clerk, occasionally joining me briefly before going back to talk to the clerk some more.  As we were checking out, we started our usually check out counter banter.  But this time I added a little twist.  I looked at my husband and asked "Brett are you paying for this, or am I?" Hubby grinned and yes the clerk caught what I had said.  She gasped as she looked at me and then at him.  Of course I added "Oh I wasn't supposed to say that was I?"  Then I told the clerk she would know for sure when she looked at my credit card because my husband and I had the same last name.  She was absolutely holding her breath as she looked at my card and saw, alas, that our name was Parks and not Favre.  I explained to her though, that my husband was much more of a hero than Brett Favre could ever be.  But I do still occasionally call him Brett of course!

Yeah right!!!!!
     I work in a bank.  No surprise.  A few years ago we were told we could wear jeans on Friday.  A bonus, during football season we could also wear a t-shirt supporting our favorite team.  Now I prefer stilettos and skirts, especially when the weather is warm, so I usually don't participate in jeans day until it gets really cool outside.  Last week we had one of those cool days so I broke out the jeans and the Arkansas Razorbacks shirt.  Because we had an occasion to eat out that night and I didn't have time to change, I went to the restaurant wearing my jeans and t-shirt.  Apparently the neckline was lower than I realized because even our daughter told me more than once to adjust it.  My husband, however, had a different take on the subject.  Grinning, he suggested that we should have gone to Hooters where I would have been mistaken as a waitress and we could have been able to  pay for our meal with the tips I would have made! 
     Now I've never been inside a Hooters and have no desire to go.  I think it's horrible that women are required to dress in revealing clothing for their jobs.  If you've read my blog for very long, you know I am 53 years old so I don't think being mistaken as a Hooters waitress is really something that would happen.  The topic, however, came up several times during the evening, always with my husband starting the conversation.  Until our sons got home from work that is.  Don't know if they had discussed it already or not, but suddenly one of our sons also decided to announce that I would fit in as a Hooters waitress!  Yeah right. have nothing to worry about.  I won't be joining you.  And if I did, I would be telling you to put some clothes on and telling the customers to get home to their wives!
     Knowing how the men in our family would rather get on my nerves as to eat (and that's saying a lot!), I later quizzed my husband as to why they kept saying that.  Apparently he really thought it was a compliment!  So, I guess I'll take that as a good thing.  I think.  I don't know.  But I didn't wear that shirt on jeans Friday this week. 


Monday, September 1, 2014

Are You Gonna Throw That Rock?

     "Did you hear what she did?"  "I can't believe he said that!"  Sound familiar?  Just why is it that we are always so shocked about what others do and say but don't consider our own actions anything but normal and honorable?  Is the person we see in the mirror really better than everyone else?
     John 8 offers an amazing lesson about judging others.  A woman was brought to Jesus after she was caught in the very act of adultery.  According to the law of Moses, those caught in adultery were to be stoned.  Seriously.  Hit with rocks until they died.  No trial.  No defense attorney.  That's how serious the sin of adultery was considered. 
     So there she was.  In front of Jesus.  Surely she thought He would be picking up a rock.  But He didn't.  Instead he challenged her accusers.  "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."  Wow.  Not only was He not throwing rocks at her, nobody else was either!  Was she getting by with her sin?  Not exactly.  And neither do we.
     But let's look for a moment at another aspect of this story.  Recently I had one of those ah-ha moments when thinking about what Jesus said that day.  "He who is without sin......."  He didn't say "he who hasn't committed adultery".  He said "He who is without sin."  Oh my......  That means if someone had lied, if someone had stolen something, if someone cheated, if someone gossiped, coveted, and so on and so on and so on.  Jesus' challenge to them was that if anyone had not sinned at all, in any way, not just adultery, in any way, that person was to throw the first stone.  Well, that leaves me out, how about you?  So right there, Jesus put all sin on the same level.
     I had never thought about it just like this before.  For some reason I always considered this more of a defeat for the accusers.  More of a lost argument than anything else.  Can't you just see them walking away, tails tucked between their legs, kicking the dirt and mumbling?  And some of them probably did just that.  But there was a much bigger lesson here.
     The Law had been given to Moses.  The Law had specific punishments for specific sins.  When Jesus came, things changed.  Jesus' blood covered all sin.  Jesus' blood still covers all sin!  There is no sin too great.  There is no person too bad.  Ah.....but there is also no person too good.  Ever been the one to say "did you see" or "did you hear"?  Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Three chapters later, Romans 6:23 tells us that "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  In fact the whole chapter instructs us not to continue in sin.  Like Jesus told the woman brought to him, "go and sin no more".  We have a new life!  We are a new creation!
     What did she do?  What did he say?  What did I do?  What did I say?  Doesn't matter to Jesus as long as we come to Him.  His blood, His precious blood, covered it all.  Do you know Him?  Would you like to?  You haven't committed a sin that He can't forgive if you ask Him.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bridges, Hot Wheels Ramps and Dancing in the Car

     I crashed my car yesterday.  Well it wasn't exactly a crash but I did accidentally rear-end a pick-up truck about 10 seconds from our driveway.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I know.  A majority of accidents happen close to home.  It did make it convenient just to have the other driver come to our house to exchange information etc. So it's actually probably the best place for an accident.
     Having 6 vehicles, unfortunately we've had several issues in the last month that have stretched the budget way too thin.  So our head of the household declared just last week that no more car repairs would be done for a while if the vehicle was drivable.  All cosmetic work could wait.  I guess that square hole in my 11 month old car's front bumper will have to stay a while.  Of course I was a bit upset.  But I am very fortunate to have a husband who stated "It's just property.  Everyone is okay."  Awwwwww.  Our dietitian son cooked dinner for me to make me feel better.  Of course that was after he texted a group text, including pictures, stating "I told her she needs to learn to be a more cautious driver like me." Right........Every car he has every had looks like it's been in a demolition derby.
     Coming home at lunch today, I did have a fleeting thought about my accident as I got to the same intersection.  A few seconds later I was walking into our house as three sons starting singing Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball" at me.  Of course there was a little twist with the words, adding "she said she didn't even see that truck in front of her" into the song.  (I am not now, nor have I ever been a Miley fan and I consider that song a disgusting brain worm that was, of course, stuck in my head most of the afternoon.)  Just as they finished singing, hubby peeked around the corner, grinning.  He had put them up to it!  They are just so sweet.
     Driving has never been something I've really enjoyed.  Although I had dreams of becoming a long haul truck driver when I was a young teen, when I finally did start driving I knew that would never happen.   I did drive almost half way across the country many years ago,  but it's just not something I enjoy doing if I don't have to.  I think, as I've grown older, part of the problem is that I can't multitask while driving.  Well at least not legally.  And yes.  My kids did ask if I was on my phone when I crashed.  No.  I was not!
     Because our two recent just the two of us trips happened after hubby came off firefighter duty and he was very tired, I volunteered to drive.  We started out for Memphis on a Thursday morning.  I drove the whole way!  Over 4 hours and that's the longest I've driven in probably over 25 years.  I figured I was pretty safe because it was basically interstate the whole way.  Except I don't like bridges.  Apparently I have a bit of vertigo so some bridges kinda freak me out.  I thought we were going across the normal bridge into Memphis.  It's huge and doesn't bother me quite as much as some even though I prefer not to be the driver when crossing it.  This time, however, the GPS took us across the smaller one.  I kinda freaked.  I talked non-stop as we left Arkansas and entered Tennessee.  Hubby told me to do something differently than I was doing but I had to focus and just drive so I have no idea what that was.  And if  he wasn't careful, he was going to have to climb over behind the wheel and take over right there in the middle of that bridge!  We did make it off the bridge but the creases made in my palms from squeezing the steering wheel didn't go away for quite some time.  Once we made it to our hotel, I didn't drive again until after we got back home.
     Our next trip was going down the same interstate for several hours.  He started driving when we left home but got tired and asked me to take over.  So I did.  Thinking it would be easier to not go across that bridge into Memphis again, we turned south about 2 hours sooner.  Hubby got some sleep.  Then it happened.  A hot wheels ramp.  I actually hate those hot wheel ramps worse than I hate bridges!  I think they are probably called flyovers or something like that.  I don't really know nor do I care.  I just know that when we are on one I feel like we are going to fly off just like our hot wheels cars flew off our hot wheels ramps when we were kids.  Here I was.  A sleeping husband, on my on, and I misunderstood the GPS.  Hubby woke up.  Not sure if it was because he sensed danger or if I was panicking out loud.  But he witnessed my meltdown and then even a double meltdown as I ended up on yet another almost complete circle hot wheels ramp before finding a vacant parking lot right off that silly thing.  He laughed as I freaked out and said he wished he had thought to video me so the kids could see.  Argh. 
     Safely on that vacant parking lot, I got out on my wobbly legs.  He laughed and told me I needed to keep driving.  I told him I was going to make sandwiches instead so he could have something to eat.  He finally got in the driver's seat and I proceeded to make peanut butter sandwiches as he recapped what he considered to be quite funny and I considered to be a nightmare.
     As we continued down thru Louisiana, he talked me into driving again.  Until he mentioned going across the Mississippi River.  I asked him how wide it was.  When he said "One mile" and began singing "Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man" by Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn, I started to watch the GPS screen very closely.  I saw water.  Couldn't tell if we were driving by it or over it but I wasn't about to repeat the panic of the morning.  So I stopped again.  Turned out the Mississippi River was still a ways off but that's ok.  I'm much better at ridding shotgun and making sandwiches than I am at driving.
    I guess I not only provide entertainment while I drive, but while I am a passenger as well.  I'm not very good at sitting still.  In the passenger seat, I am constantly playing games on my phone, taking pictures, making sandwiches for my brave driver, checking and re-checking the GPS and weather for where we've been and where we're going.  And if a song comes on the radio that I can dance to, I'm dancing.  In my seat.  Moving as much as I possibly can.  When "Fancy" came on the radio and I started my dance, complete with head bobbing and hand movements (didn't matter that I was also eating a rice cake at the same time), hubby decided videoing my attempt to entertain myself was not only a good idea but good enough to text to the kids for their enjoyment.  (Interesting how he can video me while he drives but I'm not allowed to do anything but keep my hands on the wheel and look straight ahead when I drive.  Hmmm....)  They didn't comment on dad's video of mom's interpretive car dance.  But hubby sure had fun with it.  
     Whether we are going on a long trip or just across town, I'm very glad we have a family of drivers so I don't often have to do it.  And, after yesterday, I'm pretty sure everyone else is glad I'm not often the driver, too. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

50 Years Ago Today I Took a Bubble Bath

     How do I know this?  Because my sister, Judith Leslie Hale, was born 50 years ago today.  It was just five days before my third birthday and I don't remember being told I had a new baby sister.  But I do remember that bubble bath.
     Early on the morning of August 25, 1964 my dad handed me off to my Great Aunt Estelle.  He and my mom were on their way to the hospital just so I could become a big sister.  (No this whole story is not about me but it is the only perspective I have.)  I distinctly remember being handed off to Aunt Estelle on her carport at the back steps to her house.  I would imagine she knew I was a bit apprehensive and unsure of what was going on.  But she knew just what to do.
     Aunt Estelle was a beautician and an Avon Lady so her house always smelled like none other.  Amazingly sweet and I loved it!  And she knew just how to put a little girl's anxious mind at ease.  We went into the bathroom (I wanna say she had a pink bathtub but that part may be my imagination and a combination of other bathrooms over the years) and she started running the water.  There in a jar she had those amazing little colorful balls that, when we put them under the running water, suddenly became slimy and then dissolved into mounds of white sparkly bubbles!  Absolutely a 2 year 360 day old little girl's dream!
     I don't remember being told later that day that I had a little sister but I'm sure that's what happened.  I don't remember anything about the next five days.  Until my 3rd birthday when we brought that new baby home.  Back then little kids weren't allowed in the hospital rooms because they brought in too many germs.  So I didn't meet Judi until she left the hospital on my birthday.  Now I'm not sure if it was my sister or brother....or maybe it happened with both.....but I distinctly remember my mom being in the back seat of the car with me, my grandma being in the front seat and my dad in the driver seat.  Just like a car hop brings your burger at Sonic, the baby was handed thru the driver's side window to my dad!  No car seats.  Just the protocol of the day.  The baby is handed to dad.  Then dad hands the baby to grandma and we take off. 
     When we arrived home it was finally my turn to hold my baby sister.  Now I currently have  3,385 pictures on my phone.  But pictures were expensive to develop back then so not nearly as many were taken.  I remember being seated in a chair and baby Judi being placed on my lap.  A picture, maybe two, and we were done with that.  Done with the picture part at least.  There I was in my birthday dress and my lap was wet!  My new baby sister's diaper had leaked all over my birthday dress!  I remember not having a clue what all the excitement was about but everyone seemed to have something to say about the subject. 
     Little sister soon caught up to me in size and people thought we were twins for many years.  Then she passed me and I became the little sister.  We shared a room all our growing up years.  She loved ticking clocks.  They drove me crazy.  I liked to keep our room neat.  She preferred comfort.  Our lives took different paths and we even live in different states now....not far apart but different states all the same.  She's happy sitting and reading a book.  I can't sit still long enough to read much of anything.  She wears jeans and tennis shoes.  I wear skirts and stilettos.  But there's one thing that will will always share.  We will always be sisters.  Happy Birthday Judi.  Love you!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Down at the End of Lonely Street

     Yes.  Down at the end of Lonely Street in Memphis is Heartbreak Hotel and that's exactly where hubby and I spent the first night of our no kids vacation.  Did we choose Heartbreak Hotel because we are huge Elvis fans?  Nope.  We chose it 1.  Because I thought it would be fun and 2.  Because the kids wouldn't want to tag along!  It worked.  :) 
     Not realizing we scheduled our trip for just before the start of Elvis week, we were assured upon arrival that we were fortunate to have a room.  The lobby itself was a sight to behold.  Shiny furniture.  Furry furniture.  A TV that looked like it might be from the 50s playing the same Elvis movie as the big flat screen just feet away. A pink fur covered phone sat on a table in the corner.  It had a dedicated line to Marlowe's, a restaurant that proudly claims "Elvis ate here" and gladly comes to pick you up in a pink limo so you can eat there, too.
     Our room.....well it had quite a view.  Looking down from our window we saw a heart shaped pool with a broken line thru it.  Heartbreak Hotel had a heartbreak pool.  And on the wall above the bed, just what every man wants...not....a huge picture of Elvis of course!  On the TV was Elvis all day every day!  Well they had other channels too but why even bother watching those when you're staying at Heartbreak Hotel in Memphis, TN.  We explored the hotel a bit and found the Kid Galahad gym (named after the Elvis movie of course.)  A man walked in right after we did.  In an Australian accent he asked if we might take his picture for him.  He said no one would believe he was working out (and we could see why!) and that, of all things, he was on a treadmill in Heartbreak Hotel, Memphis, TN.  We obliged and he said he would be posting it on facebook later.  Not sure if he actually worked out, but he got his picture at least.
     Next stop, Graceland!  I'm not sure what we really expected but what we saw was not it.  Not that we were disappointed of course.  But walking in that front door was like walking back in time.  Kinda reminded me of the Brady Bunch movies.  70s all the way.  I think Elvis would have updated things if he had lived and somehow I expected things to be updated. From the stained glass peacock in the living room to the completely fabric covered billiard room.  And that jungle room.  I expected swinging vines and maybe a rain forest type atmosphere.  Instead it was a 70s style man-cave with an old teddy bear sitting in a chair.  I'm guessing that teddy bear was there to remind us of the song by the same title.
     Before we had completed all our tours we had seen awards, clothing, checks Elvis had signed, cars, The Lisa Marie plane (complete with a bed that had a seat belt) and Hound Dog II jet with banana yellow and lime green seats.  Plus a couple of little 'museums' tucked brilliantly inside souvenir stores.  In every picture and video Elvis was always young. Always handsome.  Always Elvis.  Never the overweight middle-aged man he had become just before he died.
     After eating at Marlowe's (Elvis ate there so we figured we might as well, too) we took a trip to Beale Street.  Once in a lifetime for us for sure.  While the music was interesting, drifting thru open doors of bars and eateries, we found ourselves people watching as we walked.  We paused to watch the Beale Street Flippers, a group of young men who carry around buckets for people to drop in money as payment for the entertainment provided by the flippers who flip down the middle of the street.   A side trip from Beale Street provided a whole different group of people to watch.  Stepping inside the famous Peabody, we found expensive shops and almost quietness compared to Beale Street.  One lone pianist played a grand piano.  I couldn't help but compare the different atmospheres we were in, just by walking down a different street and stepping inside the door.
     Back on Beale Street Elvis was even very present there, complete with a statue in front of the MLGW building.  We made guesses about what MLGW stood for and imagined just what the one man sitting at his desk in that lighted window several stories up was doing. Don't know what the guy was doing but neither of us got MLGW right. It was Memphis Light, Gas and Water.  Think Elvis would have been proud to preside over that building?
     The next morning when we went down to breakfast, we quickly discovered we were in the minority.  By being in the minority I don't me race or religion.  I mean we were some of the very few who weren't wearing some sort of Elvis garb.  One older couple had matching Elvis shirts.  But the Mrs. didn't stop there.  She had a walker and draped over it was a towel or scarf with Elvis all over it.  Later I noticed she appeared to have had some sort of recent surgery on her leg and was wearing a brace.  There on that brace was a rinestone pen spelling out Elvis
     While we were busy feeding our faces from the Heartbreak Hotel breakfast buffet, in walked a very young Elvis.  A couple scurried up to him and the wife had the husband take her picture with him.   We continued eating and I spotted a woman wearing a top with a racing style back.  She seemed a little old and not quite built for that style but then I noticed something else.  She had an Elvis tattoo on the back of her left shoulder!  I wondered if she dressed this way just for Elvis week or if this was the norm.  Later we saw her in the Heartbreak Hotel heartbreak pool and noticed her swimsuit was the same style.  No strap to cover her Elvis of course!
     Our trip down Lonely Street was just that.  A real trip.  We had a good time, saw some interesting things, and realized we aren't least not when we are in Memphis!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Taking Our Baby Girl to College--And I Cried, And I Bawled, And I Boo-hooed

     Today we took our baby girl to college and I've been crying since Thursday.  She's ready.  I'm not.  Being a mom is hard!
     We have 5 kids.  The first 4 are boys.  Well, young men now.  We wanted a girl and had given up.  Then, four days before our youngest son's first birthday we got a surprise.  And she has been a surprise ever since!  We were going to have another baby and a few months later we found out she was a girl.  What a girl she is.  Head strong.  Determined.  Smart.  Self-assured.  Amazing.
     As the day approached for her to leave, it seemed like everything reminded me of sweet things involving her.  As I cooked one last family meal Saturday afternoon, hubby walked in the kitchen and found me upset.  I was remembering when Amy was an infant and in a baby carrier in the floor as I made dinner.  Her big brother, 21 month old Zack, came in and kissed her and patted her and said "Maimee, my Maimee".  And I cried and cried remembering.  In fact I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I write this right now.  Those two have been best buddies all their lives and he went with us today to make sure everything was set up correctly for his Maimee.
     When Amy was 4, she asked Jesus to live in her heart.  She knew what she was doing.  She meant it.  And she knew that doing so meant she would spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven.  A couple of months later on Easter she very excitedly announced that she wanted to go live with Jesus "right now!"  As a mom, it tore out my heart and made me so very happy all at the same time.  Even today she lives basically without fear and says that when it's her time, it's her time.
     Kindergarten for Amy was something she accepted as a matter of fact.  No crying or begging not to go like her mother had done as a child.  In fact, I just knew I would cry as I took her in so I asked if maybe she might want to go in by herself.  She was all for it!  Then I realized she had her backpack, lunchbox, kindergarten mat and supplies.  Way too much for a tiny almost 5 year old to handle.  When I told her I'd better go in with her because she had so much stuff she responded "Can't I just drag it?"  That's my Amy!
     We've tried and tried to talk her out of going away to school.  She could live at home like two of her brothers and attend college right here in her home town.  But she chose to go to the same college another brother went to.  Two hours away.   Dad suddenly became even more protective.  Hugs happened more often.  And it didn't matter how much we had to spend to make her dorm room feel homey.  Whatever she needed or wanted, we bought.  Dad even went shopping with us.
     So we made it there today.  We got her stuff unloaded and kinda in place.  Bought more stuff.  Went out to eat.  Visited two of her friends in their dorm rooms.  And I didn't shed a tear.  Until we started to drive off.  She didn't see me.  But I cried.  I bawled.  I boo-hooed.  I mean the tears flowed.  There was even an alert on our phones about a flash flood and it wasn't even raining.  Wondering if it was related to me and the other moms crying over their babies growing up and going away to college.
     What about those pictures of the first day of school?  No more.  What about those packets sent home on the first day and needed back by day two, completed with everything under the sun on them and literally taking up hours of my time?  What about school supplies?  A certain kind of glue.  This number of colored pencils in a package and not that number.   Dry erase markers.  Wait....we didn't even have a dry erase marker board.  Why did we need those?  But no more.  It's all in the past. 
     I finally stopped crying as we got nearer to home and we decided to stop and do a little shopping.  The two boys at home met us but I found I couldn't go in.  The shopping is usually done with Amy, not with the boys.  This wasn't right.  And I started crying again.  And I bawled.  And I boo-hooed.  I determined to sit in the car while dad and three sons shopped.  But I was needed and I had to go in.  Argh.  I went in, not looking at the areas where mom and daughter usually shop.  And we got it done.    Then I realized.  Oh no.  We still had to go home.  And I cried.  And I bawled.  And I boo-hooed.  I carried in all of the purchases plus some other stuff.  Tears flowing the entire time.  And I thought about the oafs I live with who just didn't understand and didn't want to.  Then, without me having a clue, hubby did something sweet.  As I sat on our bed, tears flowing, he sent the boys and the dog in to see me.  Guess they care after all.  I'm still gonna cry.  I'm a mom and it's ok.  But I'm also very thankful we raised an amazing, well adjusted daughter who thinks she is ready to take her place in this world. Yes, she's ready.  I'm not.  But that's ok.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

How Many Different Ways Can You Cook Chicken Anyway?

     "Just how many ways can you cook chicken?" asked my husband as we sat down for some fine dining in a little town near Jackson, Mississippi this week.  We were on the last leg of our 25th wedding anniversary trip.  Having had absolutely amazing times in Memphis, TN and Gulf Shores, AL, we were winding down with a brief stay in Jackson for some shopping and rest before returning home to real life.  While in Gulf Shores we opted to eat in every meal.  The sweet little condo we had rented had everything we needed to prepare our meals and we could dine in leisure. It was such a change, cooking for just the two of us.  Hubby has never been one to complain about what we ate and I found it an absolute pleasure cooking for him like in the 'olden days', before kids.
     Now here we were, eating out.  Fine dining.  Well not really.  It was a buffet and recommended by the nice lady at the front desk of our hotel.  As we approached the restaurant we noticed  that we were racial minorities.  Not a problem.  We are not racists in any way.  But with current events that were being broadcast across every news channel and being in unfamiliar surroundings, it was definitely something you couldn't help but notice.
     Getting out of our car and walking to the door, we saw a family getting into their vehicle right at the front door.  A woman was helping an obviously very ill man into the van.  As we got nearer I realized he was getting into the driver's seat, a fact that was very alarming because of his obvious multiple physical illnesses including a catheter hanging over the top of his pants.  After giving him a last shove into the driver's seat, the woman assisting him quickly turned and almost plowed down my husband as she hurried back into the restaurant.  "I dropped my toothpick!" she announced, as she hurried in for a replacement.
     Once inside, I noticed the familiar smell of old, not so clean, eating establishments.  The smell has always given me the impression that there is a lot of old grease hanging around and probably a rodent or two or twenty.  But we were there and in line.  The manager directed us to a completely empty dining area in the back.  Again, we are not racist.  But we could not help but feel like we were being ushered to the back of the bus.  We later realized that the waiter assigned to that area had absolutely no customers and we were apparently bait for others to come sit in the back so he would have some customers.
     Now this was a well known chain restaurant so I won't mention any names.  But our local restaurant of the same name always has an amazing variety of food, very well cooked, labeled and delicious.  We were tired and thought we could surely find something we could eat.  I headed for the salad bar and hubby headed for the meats.  I noticed, behind the salad bar, a display of produce that looked much like a grocery store display.  It even included a huge cardboard box sitting in the middle of the work area and marked "watermelon" on the side.
     We made our selections and sat down at our table, now being joined by another couple who chose to sit at the very next table behind my husband even though the room was completely open except for us.  My salad was ok.  Very little variety of salad items but it was ok.  However, the fluffy rolls that we are used to were instead very hard, chewy rolls that very well may have been left over from previous days and would have never been served at our local family buffet.  Hubby bit into a deviled egg and I asked him how it was.  He said it wasn't as good as the ones I make.  I thought he was just being nice until I tried one for myself.  Oh my.  It actually tasted like soap!  I couldn't finish it.
     Still attempting to find something edible, we made another round at the buffet.  Hubby came back to the table and asked "Just how many ways can you cook chicken anyway?"  Used to having chicken, beef, pork and fish to choose from, this place wasn't even close.  On a subsequent buffet trip, hubby checked out the chicken.  Baked, fried, some with barbecue sauce poured over it, Asian, on the bone, off the bone, in soup.  Chicken enchiladas that were crispy on the ends and tasted freezer burned in the middle.  You could just about name it chicken-wise and it was there.
     And our waiter.  Carl.  Well Carl was not much on making eye contact.  In fact, Carl wasn't much on watching anything.  While I was perusing the buffet at one point, Carl came to our table and refilled our drinks, running mine over to the point that hubby had to grab napkins and clean up the table as Carl went on his merry way, oblivious to the fact that anything had even happened.
     Still trying to find something edible, I began to notice things mislabeled.  Rigatoni  noodles labeled as spaghetti. Sauce that was labeled marinara had so much grease floating on top of it that it must have been a meat sauce of some kind (and I don't think this was chicken).  Desserts.....well hubby really enjoyed the peanut butter cookies even though they were labeled as white chocolate chip cookies.  I try to be careful to eat very little sugar so I looked for sugar free or low sugar desserts.  Sugar free white cake was on the label but chocolate cake was underneath.  I asked the lady behind the counter for help.  She obviously thought I was really pathetic when I couldn't tell which cake was sugar free and even more so when the plate I picked up had something green growing on it so I handed it to her.  She held it in her hand, not knowing what to do.  Pretty sure she put it back on the display after wiping off the green substance.
     Lima beans, cooked cabbage.  Almost rock hard hush puppies (no fish to go with them unless you would consider the fake crab salad as did have tartar sauce with it so maybe that was the intent).  An overflowing sink right behind the salad bar.  We laughed.  And we laughed.  And we are still laughing!  Might as well.  We were together.  We were relaxed.  And we made the best of an interesting situation.  Oh.....and we didn't overeat.