Friday, December 19, 2014

Let God Re-Write Your History

     Ever wish you could take something back?  Something you did or said that if you could just take it back, your life and the lives of those you love would be completely different.  Something that you think can't be forgiven?
     Believe it or not, most people feel that way about something.  At least people who have had a relationship with Jesus at some point.  It's called 'being under conviction' and the Holy Spirit brings it to your mind.  I've experienced it too.  Sad thing is there are so many people who, instead of asking God's forgiveness and letting Him heal them, try to fix it themselves and end up getting deeper and deeper in sin.  They end up drawing more people in, hurting more people and especially hurting those they truly love.
     Did you know that God can re-write your history though?  Does it mean what you did never happened?  No.  What it does mean is that, when you repent, it's gone in God's eyes and that's what matters!  The Word tells us He takes our sins, after we ask His forgiveness, and casts them into His sea of forgetfulness.  He throws them away as far as the east is from the west.
     Don't believe me?  Would you believe Him?  Micah 7:18b-19 'You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.  You will again have compassion on us; You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.' And Psalm 103:11-12  For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.'  See.  Told you.  He said it in His Word.  He has compassion on those who trust Him! 
     Psalm 103 has even more good news.  V17-18 tells us "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and His righteousness with their children's children--with those who keep His covenant and remember to obey His precepts."  Now that's amazing!  Not only will He forgive, He will bless your children and grandchildren because of your repentance! 
    Now that's an amazing God!  There is none like Him.  When you ask for and accept His forgiveness, He will re-write your history and make your future and that of your family better than you could ever imagine!  He said it in His Word. 
     Now here's where the  re-writing of History really comes in.  Those sins.  Those horrible things that have hurt your loved ones and so many others and broken the heart of your Savior.  Once you ask His forgiveness and repent, Romans 8:28 kicks in.  "And we know God causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."  Those things that were so horrible.  He not only forgets them after you repent, He causes them to result in GOOD!  No one else can do that.  Absolutely no one. Just our amazing God.  He completely re-writes your history for good! 
     Won't you let Him re-write your history today?  He's waiting.  He wants to forgive you.  He longs to forgive you.  His desire is to bless you and your family.  Please let Him.  Your future and the future of your family depends on it. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Choices of Two Daughters-In-Law

     Ruth.  That's who came to mind today when I was told I was a good daughter-in-law.  Nursing home visits are not always easy or convenient.  And I should probably go more than I should.  I hear "I love you" over and over while I'm there.  And "thank you" for every little thing I do or say.  The CNAs and nurses are so sweet to brag on me too.  But Ruth.  I know I don't compare.
     Let's take a look at Ruth and her mother-in-law.  If you recall, Naomi's husband and two sons died, leaving her a widow with two widowed daughters-in-law.  The other daughter-in-law?  Orpah.  Yes that's spelled correctly.  Oprah is actually the one who's name is spelled wrong from what I understand.  Anyway, the tradition was that if a man died, his brother would take his wife as his own and raise children in his name.  But Naomi had no other children and that just wasn't going to happen.
     Noami released her daughters-in-law to go back to their homeland.  Neither really wanted to go but Orpah saw no other way and so she left.  Ruth, however, told Naomi that wherever she went, Ruth would be right there with her.  I know it's usually used in weddings but the "whither thou goest I will go" is actually what Ruth told Naomi.  Ruth vowed to take care of her mother-in-law.  She honored Naomi and wouldn't give up, knowing there probably wouldn't be much in it for her.
     Together they traveled and came to a field where people were working.  Naomi recognized it as being owned by a relative, Boaz.  Ruth was careful not to step on any one's toes, but she gathered what she could from the field to feed herself and Naomi.  Boaz saw her and told the other workers to leave some grain for her.  Awwww.
     Naomi so appreciated and loved her daughter-in-law.  And Ruth loved and respected her mother-in-law.  When Naomi instructed Ruth to go to the threshing floor where Boaz was sleeping and to lay down at his feet, she did just that.  What a way to get a husband!  Boaz knew there was one other relative closer to Naomi than he was so he made sure that relative didn't want Ruth.  And when that relative didn't want her, a new history began!  Ruth was actually David's great-grandmother!
     So what happened to Orpah?  According to Rabbinic Literature, Orpah became the mother of four Philistine giants, one of whom became Goliath.  Wow.  See what happened?  Orpah left her mother-in-law and didn't take care of her.  Ruth wouldn't give up.  She honored her 'mother'.  There is really nothing else we know about Orpah.  But we do know that David, as a young boy, killed the giant Goliath by being obedient to God's instructions and not fearing what could happen to him.  So it seems Ruth's great-grandson defeated Orpah's son.  Wow.......
     Ruth.  Not only was she David's great-grandmother, but..........she was an earthly ancestor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Oh the benefits of being obedient!  Can you imagine?  All because of her choice to honor and obey.
     Do you have a choice to make?  Will you choose to follow the Lord?  He has such amazing plans for you.  But you, like Orpah and Naomi have to decide.  Would you rather be like Orpah?  Or would you prefer to be like Ruth?  Your choice.  Your life.  Whichever you choose will be your legacy.   (see Legacy)  You have a choice.  Would you rather be found In the shadow of Goliath or the shadow of the Cross?  I so want to be like Ruth.  Not just by being a good daughter-in-law.  But by being obedient to my Lord. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Has God Ever Loved Me?

     Has God ever loved me?  Wow.  What an awesome responsibility.  When I write here, often it's just for fun.  Sometimes it's God inspired.  And I usually pray it touches someone's heart.  But when I was looking at where the traffic was coming from and saw that someone had googled  and I quote "has God or Jesus ever love me......." it took my breath away.  Just to think that someone was searching and really wanted to know if God loved them and that search brought them to my blog.
     So.  Here's the answer.  Yes.  God loves you.  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him should not parish but have everlasting life."  John 3:16.  Yes Jesus loves you.  He came to earth, perfect and sinless, just for you.  Jesus lived a sinless life but was treated like a horrible criminal, just for you.  He died on the cross just for you.  Three days later he rose again and then 40 days after that He ascended to Heaven where He is waiting for you. 
      Now that you know He loves you, what comes next?  Well let me tell you.  The free gift of God is eternal life (Romans 6:23).  How do you get that gift?  The Bible tells us that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  There is not one person who has not sinned.  What does sin do?  It separates us from God.  Does He still love us when we sin?  Yes.  But God is Holy.  He cannot participate in sin.  In fact, sin is really the only thing God doesn't understand.  Why would He?   Is there any sin He can't or won't forgive?  No.  He will not only forgive your sins when you ask Him, He will forget they ever happened.  That's how much He loves you!
     Would you like to know Him?  Would you like forgiveness of your sins?  Then pray with me please.  "Dear God.  Thank you for sending Jesus to die for me.  Please forgive me of my sins.  I want to live for You.  Take my life Lord.  Jesus come into my heart.  I accept You as my Savior.  I ask you to be Lord of my life.  From this moment on, I am yours.  Amen." 
      Now.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says that you are a new creation!  You sins have been washed away by the precious blood of Jesus.  I encourage you to pray and get to know Him.  Find a church.  Worship with other believers.  Read His Word.  Learn to trust Him.  He has such an amazing plan for you!  I'm praying for you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Joseph's View

     It wasn't his child.  Can you imagine how Joseph felt?  Not only was his soon to be wife pregnant, but the child wasn't his.  How did he find out?  An angel, of all things, told him.  What did he have to look forward to?  Ridicule.  Shame.  Disgust maybe?  Why should he believe that angel?  He knew he had not been with Mary.  How would he explain this to his family?  Or to his friends?  It was an embarrassment.  It was a sin!  Well it would have been had it not been that this was the Son of God.    
     Raising a child is not an easy task.  I can't even imagine the doubts, the emotions, the confusion, or even the questions Joseph might have had.  Was he to treat this child differently than he would treat his other children?  Would he be able to love him?  If this really was God's Son, would he obey his child or would his child obey him?
     The Word tells us that Jesus never sinned.  Now I don't know about your kids (I've got a pretty good idea though!) but our kids can be real stinkers at times.  And I have it on good authority that I wasn't always the perfect child either.  But Jesus never sinned.  Even as a child.  I guess that, at least in that respect, Joseph had it easy.  Even when Jesus stayed back and taught in the synagogue as the rest of the group went ahead and then His parents realized it and had to go back for him.  He was being about His Father's business.  His parents couldn't even fault Him because He was doing God's work.
     Joseph did teach Jesus his trade.  Carpentry.  That's the way it was done.  A father passed his trade down to his sons.  Jesus grew up with His hands in wood.  And He died with His hands in wood.  Joseph knew, from the prophets, what Jesus' fate would be.  Did he doubt it?  Did he wonder?  Did he want to protect Jesus and keep it from happening?  Jesus was to die on the cross.  Did Joseph wonder about this at times when he was working with wood and think about the hands and feet of his precious son being nailed to the cross?
     Watching our kids go through difficult times is not easy.  Yet we know that they must go through some things to grow and learn.  As a parent, most likely Joseph wasn't any different.  Still, in the back of his mind was he always thinking about Jesus fate? 
     The Bible doesn't mention Joseph being at the crucifixion.   Joseph had died prior to that.  I would imagine though that Joseph would have been brokenhearted just like any father.  He had raised Jesus as his own.  He had watched Him learn to walk, talk, read.  He had taught Him everything he knew.  And here was Jesus, dying on a cross.  How did He get here?  This perfect little baby.  Born, of all places, in a barn!  And here He was.  Dying on the cross.
     Thing is, this was God's plan.  He loves us so much that He sent His only Son, a part of Him, to earth.  Jesus was to be born in a barn.  His family was maybe middle class, not royalty.  But Jesus didn't complain.  He knew why He was here.  He was born to die.  He loves us so much that He was literally born to die.  But that's not the end of the story! 
     Jesus was born in a manger, died on a cross, and was raised to live again!  Today He reigns in Heaven with God.  While his earthly life was not even close to what most of us want, He did what all of us should do.  He obeyed His Heavenly Father.  Right down to being beaten, ridiculed, and even killed in the most inhuman way known to man.  But He did it.  He did it for you.  He did it for me. 
     I think Joseph would have been very proud of his Son.  I'm sure he was a wise man.  He had to have been or God wouldn't have chosen him for such an awesome job.  How about you?  God has an awesome job for you as well.  Will you listen to Him?  The only way our lives are worth anything at all is if we obey Him.  Giving ourselves wholly to Him.  I believe Joseph set an amazing example as a father.  He taught Jesus to obey.  I'm sure Jesus would have obeyed anyway because He was and is perfect.  But still.  Joseph didn't waiver.  He stayed the course.  He obeyed the Lord.  He loved Jesus and treated Him like his own precious son. 
     Do you know Jesus?  Would you like to know Him?  The Bible tells us that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  But the FREE gift of God is eternal life!  How do we obtain eternal life?  By accepting Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  Living for Him.  Obeying Him.  Loving Him.  Whether we were born in a barn or live in a mansion, He died for all of us.  Seriously.  Do you know Him?  Would you like to?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Tis the Season

     I will admit it.  I became overwhelmed.  Now I am fully aware that I'm not supposed to feel that way.  But when your family consists of mostly males and your only daughter is away at college, Christmas duties start closing in.  Yes.  It's just the first week of December.  But I used to have almost everything done by now. Yes the tree has been decorated for over a week.  And the boys got the outside lights done.  Unfortunately there are still Christmas decorations in a pile under a nice Christmas throw though that still need to find a place in our home.  (They were just laying out in the open but Pippa thought each un-placed decoration was hers and she kept eating them.  So the Christmas throw is now more than an decoration itself!)
      As our kids are basically 'grown' we had intended to give them just money this year.  Maybe one gift each and some stocking stuffers.  But really just money.  I got to thinking though.  Everyone loves to open gifts! So my husband and I discussed it and as usual, he gave me a much higher gift budget than I expected!
     Then comes the not so fun part.  I am not a shopper!  I don't enjoy making the decisions of what I think someone else would like.  Most of our kids won't even give us a clue and that's hard.  But each Christmas  Dillard's gives Firefighters, Police Officers and Military a 20% discount for 2 days.  Knowing my time was running short, on Thursday morning I began to panic.  By noon I had worked myself into such a tizzy that co-workers could obviously see!  Cutting my work day a few hours short, I headed out to do some quick errands and then shopping.  Whoopee........
     But before I could really do much shopping, I needed hubby's Firefighter ID for Dillard's.  So a trip to the fire station was in order.  I was greeted by my bunker pants wearing husband who had just come back from a run.  We discussed other things than shopping for a while and we had a fun conversation with another smiling fireman who always seems to be working out when I visit that particular station.  Funny thing this time though.  The ambulance came by.  My husband introduced me as his spouse to a paramedic who was proudly proclaiming my sweetie to be his favorite fireman!  I told this paramedic that my man was my favorite firefighter too of course!  We had a lively conversation as my husband stood, red-faced but grinning.
     Well the trip to the station gave me a little bit of a breather before I started my real task.  Shopping.  I'm sure that as I neared the mall my blood pressure went way up.  Thankfully one of our sons met me in the men's department and has no idea what a huge help he was.  While he was picking out what he liked, it gave me opportunity to know what the other boys would like and before I left I had made purchases for all five of my guys, my daughter and even a little something for myself!  Thank you Dillard's for honoring our heroes and keeping me well within budget.
     So.  With a chunk of my shopping done, house almost decorated completely, picture Christmas cards printed, Christmas letter done and approved, all I have to do is finish shopping, wrap the gifts, address the Christmas cards (if I could find my list!), make sure I haven't forgotten anyone, bake the Christmas goodies, make the Christmas candy, finish decorating, keep Pippa out of the Christmas village......I'd better stop.  I'm having trouble breathing and my heart is pounding!  Tis the season.......

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


     Where does wisdom come from?  Ever hear the old Helen Reddy song "I am Woman"?  That 1972 release (yes, I remember it well) proclaimed "yes I am wise but it's wisdom born of pain".  While there is some truth in wisdom being born out of pain,  real wisdom comes from the Lord. Proverbs 2:6 tells us "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding".  It's something we should seek and even look for like it's a hidden treasure.  We are to desire wisdom.
    Ever thought about the benefits of wisdom?  As we travel on down through Proverbs chapter 2 we are told of those benefits.  Like how about this....wisdom will actually save us from the ways of wicked men.  We know we should walk the straight and narrow path.  But did you know that wisdom will actually provide us a way to do that and protect us from walking the same path as those who are crooked and devious in their ways?  Yep!  It says it right there in the Word!
     Know anyone who has been lead astray by the flattering words of someone else?  Depending on the translation, and I enjoy using several translations while studying the Word,  Proverbs refers to this person as the alien woman, adulterous woman, forbidden woman or strange woman.  Whichever translation you choose, it goes on to say that this woman has left the husband of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God.  She has no respect for the covenant she made before God so what would make anyone think they could trust a word she says?  But just think....pursuing wisdom instead of listening to those flattering words will actually save you from living like you are dead!   Wisdom always gives life.  This woman only gives death no matter how pretty the picture might be that she paints with her words.
     I must admit.  I feel really badly for that wicked man who walks a crooked path.  Void of wisdom, he's on his way to hell.  Unfortunately he wants to take others with him.  And when he befriends the unsuspecting, he accomplishes his plans.  Hell gains two or thee or thousands all because of that one who walked a crooked path, convincing others it was the way to go.  If he had only sought wisdom.
     And what about that alien or adulterous woman?  She thinks she is happy but she's like a black widow spider.  Anyone pulled into her web by her flattering words in the name of "love"   is actually sentencing to a living hell.  Her words entangle and trap.  The victim  or victims didn't see it coming until it was too late.  This woman is doomed to the pits of hell and wants to make everyone else miserable just like she is, but she doesn't even know it.  How different would her life and the lives of her victims be if they had just sought out wisdom instead of evil and broken covenants.
     But wisdom.  Yes wisdom.  Proverbs chapter 2 goes on to say that if we walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous we will live in the land.  We will own it!  But the wicked and unfaithful will be torn from it.  How completely different is the life one who pursues wisdom instead of being lead astray by the wicked or  the black widow spider.
     So is there no chance for us if we make the mistake of following the wicked or listening to the flattering words of that black widow spider?  Well if that were so, our God wouldn't be that great of a God would He?  Thing is, He can even save the wicked man and the black widow spider.  But only if they repent.  Will there be wisdom?  Of course there will be if there is true repentance.  You see, the one who truly repents seeks after God.  No longer does it matter what you've done. Once He has forgiven you, it's like those sins never happened in His eyes and that's what really counts.  Will there be scars?  Yeah, probably so.  Remember wisdom born of pain?  Well that's it.  Is God the origin of that wisdom?  You bet!  And that pain will now be used for good.  Wisdom wins.
     As I said earlier, I used several translations as I studied the benefits of wisdom today.  One last verse, and this one is from the Good News Translation of Proverbs 1:7 "To have knowledge you must first have reverence for the Lord.  Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn."  So there you have it.  Plain and simple.  To be wise, first  we must have reverence for the Lord.  Any other attitude.....well I'm not the one who said it..... 
     Seek wisdom.  Look for it like it's a hidden treasure.  And then store it, build on it, thank God for it.  Treasure it.  And share it.