Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Majestic......Or Just Call Me August

     Majestic.  An adjective.  Grand, magnificent, impressive, superb, kingly, royal, princely, imposing, imperial, noble, splendid, elevated, awesome, dignified, regal, stately, monumental, sublime, lofty, august.  Wait.  What?  August?!?!?!?!
     Earlier this week our 1 1/2 year old Pomeranian Pippa was sitting on the bed.  Our middle son commented that she looked 'majestic'.  He uses lots of big words and is smarter than I could ever hope to be.  When he said she looked majestic though, I thought I knew what it meant. 
     Majestic.  The word just keeps popping up in my mind.  Psalm 8 and the Keith Green song "Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth" plays over and over in the background of my thoughts.  Then I saw a random picture of the Majestic Theatre.  So what's the deal with this word?
     That brings me back to this first paragraph.  I decided to look it up.  Majestic.  I get it that it means grand, magnificent, impressive and pretty much every other word used to define 'majestic'.  Majesty.  Worship His Majesty.  Unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise!  Jesus is our King.  The word 'majesty' or 'majestic' fits.
     Tall trees are described as being majestic.  Sunsets, sunrises, rainbows.  Yep.  We could go on and on.  But one word used to define 'majestic' really surprised me. 
     August.  Maybe it's because my birthday is in August.  We have an anniversary in August and a son who was born in August.  In fact we have several family members with August birthdays.  August is an important month to us but just what does it mean?  It's the eighth month of the year.  School starts in August.  Peridot is the birthstone. August is hot.  Where we live the grass is often brown and crunchy in August.  So just how does August define Majestic?
     Well of course, like I looked up 'Majestic', I looked up the definition of 'August'.  And some of what I found didn't surprise me.  You know.  The usual stuff about the eight month and Augustus Caesar and all that.  But something else I found surprised me. 
     August, as an adjective, is defined as dignified or imposing; of noble birth or high rank;  inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity or grandeur; majestic.  Of befitting a lord; "heir to a lordly fortune".
     August.  While I never thought of myself as majestic and I doubt I (or anyone else for that matter) will ever describe me as such, I kinda think there are some things about being described as 'August' that I  like.  Consider this:  As a child of God, we are 'august'.  We are 'heirs to a lordly fortune'.  We inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! 
     As children of the King, we are of noble birth. August.  Because of the blood of Jesus, royal blood that covers our sins, we are of the most Majestic of royal bloodlines!  Our purpose is to inspire reverence and admiration....not for ourselves but for our Lord. 
     August.  Yeah........just call me 'August'. 

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