Monday, November 2, 2015


     Perspective:  A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.   Viewpoint.  Standpoint.  Position.
     The World Series just ended and I enjoyed watching parts of it.  However, the last game, perhaps the most important game, I forgot about.  In fact, I fell asleep in front of the TV watching a Christmas movie.  I absolutely love Christmas movies but lots of people would sooner clean the gutters as have to endure such.  That's their viewpoint.  Standpoint.  Position.  Perspective.
     But back to the World Series.  While watching the playoffs this year, something hit me.  No, not a foul ball.  And yes, it's a game.  Yes, these guys are having a good time.  But it's also their job.  Their way to provide for their families.  And how well they do determines just how well they can provide for their families.  Ever wonder if, when that batter is standing at the plate, he's thinking about the new home he will be able to afford for his wife and kids?  Yes, I know.  He gets paid a ton of money.  But he also gives up most of his year for the game.  Plus he can't go out in public and be anonymous like you and I.  Anyway, that was my perspective on the game of baseball this year.
     Winter.  It's coming whether we are ready for it or not.  I've pretty much always taken the viewpoint that we can't do anything about the weather so we might as well enjoy it.  I usually enjoy the snow in the winter and the sunshine in the summer.  However, I must admit this year that I am not looking forward to winter nearly as much as I usually do.  Don't know why.  But that's my perspective. 
     Some like football.  Some think it's way to violent.  Perspective.  Some like opera.  Some would rather have a tooth pulled as to endure it.  Perspective.
     Some people enjoy sunsets.  Then there are those who can't get enough of the starry skies.  Personally, I love sunsets and an occasional sunrise although, from my perspective, sunrises come way to early in the morning.  And while I can kinda tell what time of the day it is by where the sun is, I am forever looking up at night and, even though I think it's beautiful, wondering just how the moon ended up in a different place from night to night.  From my perspective, it takes a lot more remembering to think about the stars and moon and where they should be than it does to just look up and enjoy them. 
     Seriously though.  Let's think about this.  Eternity.  There are those who have the perspective, viewpoint, standpoint, position that it doesn't really matter.  That living for God is a waste of time.  That they know better than God and don't have to follow His Word or accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  They use His Name as a 'by word' or slang and live according to their own 'rules'.  
     Then there are those who have realized truth.  They know they can't survive with Him.  They understand that they are not perfect but have the promise of eternal life because they believe in Him.  They know He died for them.  They know He is the only way to eternal life.  They've asked for His forgiveness and received it. 
     Yes, those are two different perspectives.  Widely different perspectives.  But one day, at name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in Heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father!  (Philippians 2:10-11.) 
     What is your perspective about Him right now?  Your viewpoint?  Your standpoint?  Your position?  Because, on that day, everyone, absolutely everyone, will have the same perspective, viewpoint, standpoint and position.  Jesus Christ is Lord.  Why not take that perspective today? 
     His perspective?  He loves you.  He died for you.  He's waiting for you.  He sees you through eyes of love.  That's His perspective. 

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