Sunday, June 4, 2017

Some Things I Don't Understand

     Actually there are quite a few things I don't understand.  Like why that goofy rat that was living under the deck would look up at me through the cracks at night when I took Pippa outside and then would leave me sticks and stuff at the door while I slept inside.  Or why he ate my flowers but left weeds.  How did he know the difference?  (Also, please notice I said was living under the deck.  As of Saturday morning, he has met his demise!)
     And how does Pippa always know when I'm opening a jar of peanut butter?  She can be in another room asleep.  I can be oh so very quiet.  Somehow she knows and comes running to get her share.
     Or how about when people put salt on their food without even tasting it first?  What if it's perfect already? What if  they just ruined it?  And people who think they know how another person will want something seasoned.  Let me tell you, I certainly don't want anybody salting my dinner.  I'd rather have Parmesan cheese on everything anyway!
     Another thing I don't understand is intentionally hurting people.  Whether it's lying, backstabbing, undermining, or revenge.  I just don't get it.  Is that the way you want to be treated?  And even if it's done in secret, it's really not a secret.  We all know that.  So why do people do it?
     Are you happy?  Where did it come from?  You really don't get it from someone else.  Happiness comes from within.  So why do people look for it in others?  You gotta be happy inside yourself first.  And if you get some happiness from someone else, well that's just a bonus.  I just don't understand why people look for happiness in others.  They may find what they think is happiness briefly.  But it won't last.  Why can't they see that it starts inside?
    I don't understand people who are always ready to give advice instead of just listen and support you when you need to talk.  I mean, why would someone who doesn't have to live with the consequences of a decision feel like they should tell you what you should do?  And why on earth would you listen to them anyway?
    But the really big thing I don't understand is giving up on God.  It's been going on since the beginning.  Even Job's wife told him to curse God and die.  But I just don't get it.  Just because things were bad, she wanted Job to completely give up on absolutely everything.  Especially his faith.  Instead Job didn't give up.  He was tempted.  His life was being absolutely destroyed.  But you know what happened?  He didn't die.  His wife died but he didn't.  And Job was restored and blessed beyond belief for his faithfulness in God.
     I just don't understand giving up.  But I do understand giving it all over to God.  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5-6  Have you given it all to Him?  Maybe it's time.

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