Monday, September 16, 2013

'Grown' Kids

     Seventeen.  That's the age our youngest child and only daughter turned last week.  And tonight she came to me for help with an experiment for her psychology class.  She didn't seem very pleased with the results.  I kinda got the feeling I might now become a case study for the whole class!
     With her turning 17 that means that in just one year all of our kids will be considered adults.  With three in college, you'd think I would get used to that idea.  But somehow it still catches me off guard.  Like yesterday when our middle son was sick and I took him to the doctor.  I was sitting in the doctor's office looking at my 21 year old, 6 feet tall son and realizing I'm looking at a grown man.  The nurse asked the usual if he was allergic to any medications.  Somehow remembering all that was a lot easier when I was remembering it for five young children.  And I was never going to be one of those moms who forgot important things like that!
     While I may not remember anymore who is allergic to what (so we just all stay away from certain's easier that way) I do remember their birth dates, weights, lengths, time of day they were born and what the weather was like.  I can tell you the personalities of each child from before they were born.  Now why couldn't this information be a part of that psychology experiment?  I would have aced that test for sure!
     I also remember those little cherub faces.  Awwww....those sweet little faces.  Round little cheeks.  Happy, sometimes toothless, smiles.  Snot running down from their cute little noses, almost dripping into those heart melting little smiles.....Well that's the way it really was! 
       As a parent you try to do what's best for your kids.  You try to teach them right from wrong, protecting them from tv shows etc that you feel inappropriate.  Then, when they do grow up, they confess that they took turns being the lookout for mom to come down the hallway while their siblings watched that forbidden show! 
     Just yesterday our driveway was filled bikes and trikes.  Today, we own a fleet of vehicles that spill over the driveway onto the yard and into the street!  Kissing a scraped knee from a bicycle accident was easy although it broke mom's heart that one of those little ones was hurt.  Now it's new tires, dented fenders, and even a couple of totaled cars.
     Grown kids.  Well.....we're almost there.  Sad.  Glad.  Proud.  Thankful.

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