Monday, August 25, 2014

50 Years Ago Today I Took a Bubble Bath

     How do I know this?  Because my sister, Judith Leslie Hale, was born 50 years ago today.  It was just five days before my third birthday and I don't remember being told I had a new baby sister.  But I do remember that bubble bath.
     Early on the morning of August 25, 1964 my dad handed me off to my Great Aunt Estelle.  He and my mom were on their way to the hospital just so I could become a big sister.  (No this whole story is not about me but it is the only perspective I have.)  I distinctly remember being handed off to Aunt Estelle on her carport at the back steps to her house.  I would imagine she knew I was a bit apprehensive and unsure of what was going on.  But she knew just what to do.
     Aunt Estelle was a beautician and an Avon Lady so her house always smelled like none other.  Amazingly sweet and I loved it!  And she knew just how to put a little girl's anxious mind at ease.  We went into the bathroom (I wanna say she had a pink bathtub but that part may be my imagination and a combination of other bathrooms over the years) and she started running the water.  There in a jar she had those amazing little colorful balls that, when we put them under the running water, suddenly became slimy and then dissolved into mounds of white sparkly bubbles!  Absolutely a 2 year 360 day old little girl's dream!
     I don't remember being told later that day that I had a little sister but I'm sure that's what happened.  I don't remember anything about the next five days.  Until my 3rd birthday when we brought that new baby home.  Back then little kids weren't allowed in the hospital rooms because they brought in too many germs.  So I didn't meet Judi until she left the hospital on my birthday.  Now I'm not sure if it was my sister or brother....or maybe it happened with both.....but I distinctly remember my mom being in the back seat of the car with me, my grandma being in the front seat and my dad in the driver seat.  Just like a car hop brings your burger at Sonic, the baby was handed thru the driver's side window to my dad!  No car seats.  Just the protocol of the day.  The baby is handed to dad.  Then dad hands the baby to grandma and we take off. 
     When we arrived home it was finally my turn to hold my baby sister.  Now I currently have  3,385 pictures on my phone.  But pictures were expensive to develop back then so not nearly as many were taken.  I remember being seated in a chair and baby Judi being placed on my lap.  A picture, maybe two, and we were done with that.  Done with the picture part at least.  There I was in my birthday dress and my lap was wet!  My new baby sister's diaper had leaked all over my birthday dress!  I remember not having a clue what all the excitement was about but everyone seemed to have something to say about the subject. 
     Little sister soon caught up to me in size and people thought we were twins for many years.  Then she passed me and I became the little sister.  We shared a room all our growing up years.  She loved ticking clocks.  They drove me crazy.  I liked to keep our room neat.  She preferred comfort.  Our lives took different paths and we even live in different states now....not far apart but different states all the same.  She's happy sitting and reading a book.  I can't sit still long enough to read much of anything.  She wears jeans and tennis shoes.  I wear skirts and stilettos.  But there's one thing that will will always share.  We will always be sisters.  Happy Birthday Judi.  Love you!

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