Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Choices of Two Daughters-In-Law

     Ruth.  That's who came to mind today when I was told I was a good daughter-in-law.  Nursing home visits are not always easy or convenient.  And I should probably go more than I should.  I hear "I love you" over and over while I'm there.  And "thank you" for every little thing I do or say.  The CNAs and nurses are so sweet to brag on me too.  But Ruth.  I know I don't compare.
     Let's take a look at Ruth and her mother-in-law.  If you recall, Naomi's husband and two sons died, leaving her a widow with two widowed daughters-in-law.  The other daughter-in-law?  Orpah.  Yes that's spelled correctly.  Oprah is actually the one who's name is spelled wrong from what I understand.  Anyway, the tradition was that if a man died, his brother would take his wife as his own and raise children in his name.  But Naomi had no other children and that just wasn't going to happen.
     Noami released her daughters-in-law to go back to their homeland.  Neither really wanted to go but Orpah saw no other way and so she left.  Ruth, however, told Naomi that wherever she went, Ruth would be right there with her.  I know it's usually used in weddings but the "whither thou goest I will go" is actually what Ruth told Naomi.  Ruth vowed to take care of her mother-in-law.  She honored Naomi and wouldn't give up, knowing there probably wouldn't be much in it for her.
     Together they traveled and came to a field where people were working.  Naomi recognized it as being owned by a relative, Boaz.  Ruth was careful not to step on any one's toes, but she gathered what she could from the field to feed herself and Naomi.  Boaz saw her and told the other workers to leave some grain for her.  Awwww.
     Naomi so appreciated and loved her daughter-in-law.  And Ruth loved and respected her mother-in-law.  When Naomi instructed Ruth to go to the threshing floor where Boaz was sleeping and to lay down at his feet, she did just that.  What a way to get a husband!  Boaz knew there was one other relative closer to Naomi than he was so he made sure that relative didn't want Ruth.  And when that relative didn't want her, a new history began!  Ruth was actually David's great-grandmother!
     So what happened to Orpah?  According to Rabbinic Literature, Orpah became the mother of four Philistine giants, one of whom became Goliath.  Wow.  See what happened?  Orpah left her mother-in-law and didn't take care of her.  Ruth wouldn't give up.  She honored her 'mother'.  There is really nothing else we know about Orpah.  But we do know that David, as a young boy, killed the giant Goliath by being obedient to God's instructions and not fearing what could happen to him.  So it seems Ruth's great-grandson defeated Orpah's son.  Wow.......
     Ruth.  Not only was she David's great-grandmother, but..........she was an earthly ancestor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Oh the benefits of being obedient!  Can you imagine?  All because of her choice to honor and obey.
     Do you have a choice to make?  Will you choose to follow the Lord?  He has such amazing plans for you.  But you, like Orpah and Naomi have to decide.  Would you rather be like Orpah?  Or would you prefer to be like Ruth?  Your choice.  Your life.  Whichever you choose will be your legacy.   (see Legacy)  You have a choice.  Would you rather be found In the shadow of Goliath or the shadow of the Cross?  I so want to be like Ruth.  Not just by being a good daughter-in-law.  But by being obedient to my Lord. 

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