Sunday, June 7, 2015

Politician, Friend, Family or Foe

     Tis the season to throw your hat into the ring.  Presidential ring that is.  While I seldom ever just sit down to watch the news on TV, where I work there are TVs offering various national news programming all day long so it's a bit difficult to not catch at least a little bit of the current happenings.  From conservative to liberal and everything in between, opinions (that don't really matter when it's all said and done) are freely offered about each candidate. 
     Something that has caught my attention for many years during election time is the families of the politicians.  We usually know who the politician is and many times we are familiar with their spouse.  But on the day they announce their bid for their party's nomination, suddenly their kids, kids' spouses, grandkids and anyone else considered a close relative find themselves in the spotlight.  Boys and young men appear polished, every hair in place, smiling and shaking hands while dressed in their sports coats and sharp looking ties.  Girls and young women wear pretty dresses (oh and most everyone is wearing red, white, blue and/or a combination of the three), smiling and waving  as they cross the stage to stand by their also smiling and waving parents. 
    Kisses and hugs are given and received as each family member makes their if they didn't just see each other back stage.   Everyone looks perfect.  On that day at least.  Then the mud slinging starts.  Those nice suits and pretty dresses need to go to the cleaner's pretty quickly.  Opponents and the media dig and dig and dig to find any dirt they can find.  Even the tiniest speck is put under a microscope and enlarged, turned over, x-rayed, dissected and talked about to ad nauseum.
     I have to say that this really bothers me.  Why are people always looking for something bad in other people?  Yes I know that politicians are looking to win elections and they think if they can make someone else look bad, then it makes them look better.  But does it really?  I don't think so.
     ".....fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise:  things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable." Philippians 4:8.  Yes!  That's the ticket.  That's what I want to hear about others. And that's what I want others to say about me.  Do I have not so great stuff in my life like those politicians and their families?  Of course I do.  But what does the Word say about it?  Well, after we have repented and God has forgotten it, we need to think about the good things. It doesn't matter who it is.  Part of my goal today is to think about the good things.  And guess what.....when we concentrate on the good stuff, we look better ourselves.
     Politician, friend, family, foe.  It doesn't matter.  I resolve to think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honorable.  How about you my friend?

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