Friday, July 25, 2014

Just for Fun

     Yes it's the weekend!  Trouble with the weekend though....I can't figure out what to do first!  Since it started getting dark before I could decide between taking a walk, getting in the pool or mowing the lawn, I chose to color my hair.  So here I sit, blond by choice and updating the roots a bit.  Time to think like a blond!
     Clarance and Mark Down.  I love those two guys!  Seldom do I ever buy anything that isn't on 'Clarance'.  And when his good buddy, final 'Mark Down' gets involved, oh boy!  They are seriously some of my favorite fellows!  Having had a grandmother who made almost everything I wore growing up, I still don't like shopping for clothes.  So when these guys get involved it sure makes things easier.   I just don't understand clothes sizes though and get kinda stressed.  I do know it's a good thing that I now usually wear a 4 or 6 and sometimes even a 2!  But I just don't like trying stuff on.  In fact, quite often I will hold an outfit up in front of me and just guess if it's the right fit.  But as long as dear ole' Clarance and Mark Down are involved, I'm all right.
     Work.  I really enjoy my job.  While many who come to my bank probably consider me a receptionist because of where my desk is located, I've actually recently received a promotion to Assistant Vice President!  It's very humbling.  While I definitely do work, some of what I do is just plain fun.  I especially like that I get to help people every day.  Just yesterday a man asked me how to get upstairs.  I flapped my arms like a bird, indicating he had to fly.  He flapped his arms but it didn't work so I directed him to the stairs instead.  We've had a lot of renovations going on recently.  Because of these renovations, I've got a few new duties that aren't in my job description.  I get to tell little kids that our fish 'moved out' of our aquarium. Not fun but somebody's gotta do it.  Because many people have moved from their original work station but I've stayed in basically the same place, I joke that I'm the center of the universe and everything revolves around me!  Of course that isn't true at all.  But at least it's good for a laugh!
     Exercise.  Running has just not happened much for me this summer.  My right knee keeps swelling from an old war injury.  Well actually it's an injury that happened many years ago when I caught my stiletto on a stair at work but that's kinda embarrassing.  Not as embarrassing as what happened last week when my knee finally let me run though.  Knees were ready but the bladder was weak!  Oh my......I'll just leave it at that.  You can imagine what happened.
     Dressing.  While recently trying to decide what to wear to a wedding, I asked for the opinion of our 23 year old son, the best man of said wedding.  It's an outdoor wedding with dancing afterwards.   I asked him what the wedding colors were as I didn't want to look like I was trying to be one of the wedding party.  Then I showed him my choices and asked his opinion.  He didn't really care for any of the options.  So I pulled out a dress he actually had helped me pick out when I purchased it a while back.  It had several shades of green plus some other colors thrown in.  He said it was the best choice.....because I would blend in with the trees!  Wasn't exactly what I was going for, but ok......
      Well it's almost time to wash the color out of my hair.  I really enjoy being a blond.  Fits me very well.  :)

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