Sunday, March 15, 2015

What I've Learned From My Boys

     "I've been given all these boys so that I can change the world!"  That's what I decided after boy number 4 was on the way.  That had to be it.  Why else would I be entrusted to raise four men?   Haha, yeah right!
       I was just watching an episode of "Leave it to Beaver" and was thinking.  While I love to wear pearls like June and often wear dresses, styles have certainly changed.  Just this morning I put on a cute little short dress with some boots and was greeted with "You're gonna wear that to church?!?!?!" by one of my 'boys'.  Anyway, something I've learned from June Cleaver though, mom has a 'place' in raising sons but dad is the real key there.
     Thanks June.  I've needed that reminder many times.  When June asked Ward what would have happened when he was a boy if a certain scenario had occurred that just happened involving the Beave, he said he would have 'clobbered' the other boy!  Now that's something us moms just don't get.  Clobbering?  We try to solve things with words.  And ummmm.....with boys that just doesn't usually work.  Something dads already know.
     While I tried to reason and then often ended up yelling, I just never quite got the hang of changing  those boys into men like I thought I would be able to do back then.  Wrestling that started out as a game eventually sent someone through the wall more than once!  But when one would come tattling on another about a wrestling match where someone got hurt or sabotaged bike wreck that caused injury or big brother convincing little brother to eat dog food, well I did get pretty good at saying "if there isn't a broken bone sticking out through the flesh I don't want to hear about it!"
     And trying to convince a bunch of brothers that getting into the pool gently would be better than yelling 'cannonball' and jumping in as their little sister turned her head away and clung to the ladder for her dear life was absolutely a waste of time.  Now they would 'clobber' anyone who hurt their sister or even looked at her funny.  Probably would have back then too.  But they ignored her pleas to stop 'cannonballing'.  I suppose that's part of what a boy is.  No fear.  And she did learn to cannonball after a while herself!
     Ok so back to changing the world.  What's really happening?  My sons have changed and are still changing me.  It's taken me a long time to realize it but I'm now convinced that God gave me all these sons to change me.  Patience?  Oh my........they've tried and tried and tried to teach me patience.  It's said that experience is the best teacher and they've certainly given me lots of experience in learning to be patient.  My lower blood pressure says that maybe that's a lesson I'm finally learning.
     A mom's heart for her sons is like no other.  Cross her son and a mom will go to any length to defend him.  That can be a good thing.  But running out on a basketball court or football field when a son is down.....not a good idea!  That's where dads have the advantage over us moms.  They are much better at sitting in the stands and watching as their sons take a step into manhood while writhing in pain in front of a huge crowd.  Us moms, well we want to pick up our baby and carry him off and take care of him!  Good thing dads stop us.
     Over the last few years my boys have started telling on themselves.  I wondered why they seemed to always be watching the original "The Parent Trap" when they were little.  Now I know.  One would stand guard in the hall and would give the high sign that mom was approaching.  The TV would be quickly changed from whatever  forbidden program they were watching to an approved  recorded movie.  And mom beamed with pride at her amazing obedient children.........Oh my.
     From announcing each other's deaths on facebook to paying each other to cover up a planned party when mom and dad were out of town (yeah the neighbors didn't get paid so that didn't work so well) to pretending some girl who just didn't seem to 'fit' was their girlfriend to you just about name it and they've done it.  These guys have done more than their share of supplying gray hair for their parents!  (Even though mine are currently covered with NB 9 1/2 Excellence by Loreal!)  Would I want them any other way?  Well.........
     There are two things that I've learned boys do best.  The first is push buttons.  Whether it's on the TV remote or the buttons associated with mom's frazzled nerves, they are experts.  Sometimes it's one on one  with the mom button pushing game but often I'm ganged up on.  And seldom do they ever walk away unsatisfied with their button pushing performance.  However, even though they probably wouldn't agree, I believe I'm getting better at not letting them get to me.  At least I'm getting better at hiding it from them! 
     The second thing they do best?  Make me want to be a better mom.  While we may not agree very often, when it's all said and done I hope my sons (and my daughter) can look back and see that their mom had faith in God, a desire to obey His Word and a fierce but gentle love for their dad and them that was never ending.       
     Have I been able to change the world through my sons?   Don't know yet.  Has God changed me through my sons?  Most definitely. 

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