Sunday, April 5, 2015

I've Been Crying Today

     Yep.  The tears have been flowing today.  A lump in my throat.  My voice comes out funny.  Why am I crying?  Because our kids are too old to hunt eggs?  Well I do miss that.  Because it's really cold today and I put away most of my winter clothes last weekend?  Ummmm....that hasn't been fun but it's kinda nice to take an afternoon nap curled up under an afghan.
     But the reason for my tears today has been something much more.  It started this morning when I was thinking about today.  Today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.  At church the minister says "He is risen!"  and we reply "He is risen, indeed!"  Oh how amazing!  Because He lives, we can live!  To get to His resurrection, however, we must first have His death.
     Today I have been overwhelmed by the love of our Lord.  Let's go back.  Jesus was there before the world began.  He was there throughout all of history.  He didn't just begin when the angel visited Mary and told her she would give birth to the Savior of the world.  Jesus was always there.
    Then He was born.  He grew up learning to be a carpenter like His earthly father Joseph.  He had younger siblings.  He taught in the temple as a boy.  He was different.  And He was never alone.
     33 years.  That's about how long He lived on earth.  He had His family.  He had disciples who traveled with Him.  He had friends....Mary, Martha and Lazarus to name a few.  And He had His Father, God, in Heaven.  Things looked good for Him on earth.  And He obviously enjoyed His life.
     Then it was time.  Time for Him to fulfill His purpose in even coming to the earth.  He prayed.  He prayed so hard that He sweat drops of blood.  He was in anguish.  He had witnessed death from Heaven.  He had witnessed death on earth.  He knew death through the eyes of God and through the eyes of man.  Jesus prayed in Luke 22:42 "Father, if You will, take this cup of suffering away from me.  Not my will, however, but Your will be done."  He was obedient. 
     Jesus was taken into custody.  He was beaten for crimes He didn't commit.  No one was there to stand up for Him.  He was forced to carry His own cross up a hill and the people, some of whom praised Him just a few days earlier, ridiculed Him along the way.  They yelled "crucify Him!"  as He carried His cross, bleeding and weak from the beating He had just endured.  One man was forced by soldiers to help carry Jesus' cross (Mark 15:21).  His mother cried.  He couldn't comfort her.  Jesus had to die alone.
     Today I was told that the term 'excruciating' came from the word 'crucifixion'.  It was the absolute worse way to die.  Not only was it humiliating and pubic, there was no worse pain.  All the ligaments in the arms were stretched far beyond what anyone could comprehend from the weight of the body pulling down on the nails in His hands.  Oh my Jesus!  Thank You!  I don't deserve what You did for me.
     What has really hit me today, though, is that Jesus was alone on that cross.  Even God looked away.  He was alone.  Have you ever been completely alone?  You may think you have.  But God is everywhere.  He sees everything and everyone.  Once you know Him, you are never, ever alone.  Lost in the woods, you're not alone.   Family gone, you're not alone.  Friends leave, you're not alone.  God is always there with you whether anyone else is or not.  But Jesus was completely alone on that cross.
      I think that's what has made me cry the most today.  Jesus was all alone on that cross.  His body was beaten and torn.  The pain truly was excruciating.  It was worse than we could ever imagine.  His heart was broken as He carried the weight of my sins, your sins, our sins.  And He was alone.  Alone.  Completely alone.
     Even though I've felt alone, I've never been without God.  Ever.  He knew me before I was even formed.  He knew me before I was born.  Jesus saved me as a child when I asked Him to forgive my sins and I made a decision to follow Him all my life.  He has never one time left me.  God has never turned His back on me.
     What was that like for Jesus?  He was so alone.  In front of the world.  But alone.  He had all the power to call Heaven's angels to take Him off the cross.  He could have done it.  But He chose to die alone.  For you.  For me.  Breaks my heart that He did it for me.  If I had been the only one, He loved me that much.
     Can you just imagine the celebration in hell that day?  The devil and his demons were having a party!  They had won!  Or so they thought.  As we sang in church this morning "Up from the grave He arose!  With a mighty triumph o'er his foes!"  HAHAHAHAHA!  Jesus rose!  He overcame death!  He beat the devil!  He beat evil!  Because He died alone, because He obeyed our Father, He arose triumphant!  Yes He suffered.  Yes He bled.  Yes He died.  But He overcame!  Praise His Name!
     What in your life is keeping you down?  What lies of the devil are making you think you've won when you're actually on your way to join him for eternity in hell?  Jesus paid it all.  He did it for you.  Alone.  On the cross.  Please ask Him to forgive you today.  Accepting Him.  Accept what He did for you.  Please.  Today.
     When you do, that party in hell that has been going on because of your life that pleased the devil, well it ends!  Suddenly it ends!  And the celebration in Heaven begins!  Jesus tells us in Luke 15 that Heaven rejoices over each sinner who repents!  Let the party in Heaven begin!  And let the tears of joy begin!

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