Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Stray Dogs and Funny People (Or "Who Let the Dogs Out?" and Turn Up Your Hearing Aid)

 Who Let the Dogs Out?
    What a morning.  Four, yes FOUR stray dogs showed up at our house before 7 AM!  Because of car issues and the family having to pull together for rides, one of our sons was up early to drop dad off at work.  Apparently around the time he got back home, somebody let the dogs out. 
     Having trained our Pippa to do her business outside, sit, stay, lay down, dance and shake hands, this particular son (or brother as we refer to him when talking to Pippa the Pomeranian) has become quite the 'dog whisperer'.  So when he saw two dogs near our driveway, he was able to get one to come to him and hold it while taking pictures of both and getting the phone number off the tag of one.  Soon these little guys were on their way to being rescued.
     So I wonder.....what are the odds that two more dogs would show up just before the first two were picked up.  Yes, as our son stood talking to the owner of the first two dogs, he was holding dog number three and dog number four was near by!  This time neither dog wore a collar so returning them to their owners was a bit more of a challenge.  Carrying around the little red Pomeranian mix and joined by a very sweet pit bull with amazing green eyes, our dog whisperer walked briefly around the neighborhood.  When he realized he wasn't going to find the owners that way, he called me.  We chose to put the dogs in our back yard and call authorities to see if someone reported them missing.
     Well the next thing I knew, these two visitors were in puppy school on our back deck.  Both were looking up at our son, tails wagging, as he told them to sit!  He had their full attention and they were ready learn.  Wondering if he's missed his career calling!
     After several calls to animal control and the Humane Society trying to just let someone know we had those two sweet visitors, we finally got in contact with the owners and scheduled for them to pick up their, by then, rain soaked dogs.  Yes, we were happy to have helped.  No we weren't so happy to see the demolished cushions in our backyard swing..........
     So tonight I was home alone briefly.  Who do you think tells everyone else to close the door so our Pippa doesn't get out?  Me, of course.  And who do you think forgot and left the door open and let our dog out?  Me, of course.  Grabbing a squeaky toy, my phone and saying a prayer, I headed out the door to get our dog.  (She got out last week and her daddy was able to catch her with no drama, chase or problem.  Unfortunately things didn't turn out the same way for mom.) 
     Running up the street in my heels, I enlisted the help of a neighbor who had just gotten home.  She ran one direction and I ran the other, hoping to catch dear Pips in the middle.  Seeing Pippa in what I assumed was the alley behind the neighboring houses, I just knew I would catch her.  That is, until I rounded the corner and realized she had somehow gotten in their yard!  Squeaking the little purple duck I had taken to get her attention, Pippa looked at me like I was pretty stupid and continued running around that yard and playing.  I asked the neighbor to close her gate.  Of course, just as she got to the gate, Pippa bolted right past her and started running circles again. 
     By now a man in his late 70s or maybe even 80s  who had been riding his bicycle up the street had gotten involved in the chase.  He couldn't do a whole lot but lend moral support but he did shew the dog back up in the yard when she started towards the street.  After he did that a couple of times, Pippa started circling the neighbor just fast enough that every time she made a grab for the little maniac, her hands came up empty.  I don't know how this nice lady didn't get dizzy and fall down from turning in circles trying to catch that little stinker but she didn't and finally had Pippa firmly in her grasp.  No I didn't beat the whooy out of our darling little dog like I had wanted to.  Just held on to her and was thankful things didn't get worse.

Turn Up Your Hearing Aid
     Just a brief observation that probably couldn't be a full blog on it's own.  Have you ever noticed that practically everyone has selective hearing at one time or another?  I actually grew up in a family where, once the men in particular reached a certain age, hearing aids were a normal part of their attire.  So they had a 'legitimate' excuse for not hearing at times......well they thought they did anyway.  Because I daily deal with elderly people, having a customer who's hearing aid is ringing, buzzing or has a dead battery is nothing out of the ordinary.  I've been cussed, very loudly.  Often too much information is shared with me while the speaker thinks only I am being brought into their private situation involving hemorrhoids, digestive issues or surgery recovery.
     I believe I've mentioned before how hubby and I are like George Burns and Gracie Allen when at a cash register or have some other captive audience.  Well I've gotten a glimpse of how we will be in another 25 years.  While visiting not long ago with a nice couple who never fails to entertain me, the Mrs and I were having a nice conversation when the Mr, who had walked away briefly for a cup of coffee or something, came back and joined us.  He sat down just as his wife was finishing a statement about some one's reputation.  He got a funny look on his face, leaned forward quickly,  and said "Reservation?  Where are you goin'?" And with that I simply say, "Turn up your hearing aid".


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