Thursday, January 22, 2015

I Killed a Snake for the First Time Today!

     And my feet are up on the coffee table as I type because I just can't have my feet on the floor and even think the word snake!  Yes this is January.  Yes it's cold outside.  And snakes should be sleeping somewhere for the winter.  But some how this anaconda found it's way to our house, right by our mailbox.  Well maybe anaconda doesn't describe it very well.  It was probably more the size of a brand new number 2 pencil but not as big around.  But it was still a snake!!!!!!
     Now I have NEVER been a fan of snakes in any way!  The only good snake is a dead snake in my opinion.  In fact, one step further, the only good snake is a dead snake half way around the world from me!  I grew up in the country and am sure I walked on air one time when I was told that the bouncy earth I was walking on most likely was a snake den!   We've had a couple of snakes in our yellow garage.....that I know of.....and I have made sure to not go in the garage when I knew they were visiting.  I've called on my husband, sons and even a neighbor or two to kill those disgusting visitors over the years.  But when I saw this one was alive, I determined it was time!
     Grabbing a hoe from the garage, I bravely trudged (as much as you can trudge in 3 inch heels) down the driveway.  I paused to call our middle son who has come to my rescue many times at the sound of mom screaming 'snake!'  I told him, with determination in my voice, "I'm gonna kill that snake!"  He got out there as quickly as he could, grinning from ear to ear as he examined the smushed remains of that slithery beast.  I asked him to carry it off to a ditch but he said a bird would carry it off so it was okay.  (Hahaha yea.  Probably a sparrow could have carried it off!)
     Ever think about how pretty much everyone hates snakes?  Especially women.  We don't want to see them, get near them or even think about them!  (Yes, my feet are still on the coffee table.)  Let's go back to the beginning.  The Garden of Eden.  It was beautiful!  The man and his wife had everything they could ever want or need.  God only gave them one 'do not'.  They were not to eat of the tree in the center of the garden.  But the devil, a snake of all things (some translations say snake, serpent, etc.  Whatever it was, it lost it's feet and had to crawl on its belly so sounds like a snake to me!) talked Eve into eating from that tree. 
     How did he do it?  How did the snake trick her?  He lied.  Has the devil ever lied to you?  Of course he has!  His best trick is deception.  Did Eve have to listen?  Nope.  And neither do we.  Unfortunately though, like Eve, there are times we do. 
     So Eve took the fruit at the advise of the snake (remember, that's the devil).  She ate it and gave some to her husband.  And suddenly they knew things.  Things that they didn't need to know.  God had made a pretty perfect life for them.  But they goofed.  Adam blamed Eve.  Eve blamed the snake.  Then God, because He is God and had one rule and that rule was broken, had to pronounce judgement.  Genesis 3:14 is where God told the snake he would be cursed and have to crawl on his belly.  (I would imagine he was beautiful before that.)  And verse 15!  Oh wow!  "I will make you and the woman hate each other!"  WOW!  I'm not crazy or a fraidy-cat after all!  God said I would hate that snake!  Haha! 
     When we disobey God, there are always consequences.  They may not be immediate.  But there will be consequences.  Just like Adam and Eve, our disobedience can cause issues for generations to come.  Ouch.  That doesn't feel good to think about.  What have you done that is affecting your kids or grandkids?  Like Adam and Eve, do you regret it?
     Well here's the thing.  Our God is a God of mercy!  All we have to do is ask and He forgives and forgets.  I know I've said that many times, but it's sooooo true!  Even if that snake says it's not.  Remember, he's the liar.  Like Adam and Eve being sent out of the garden, there may still be consequences brought on because of our sins though.  But that doesn't mean God didn't forgive. 
     And here's something else.  That snake.  That ole' snake the devil.  Once we have Jesus living in us, we have authority over him!  He can't hurt us unless we disobey the Lord!  Yeah.  Just like Eve did.   As long as we trust God, there is absolutely NOTHING to fear!  Am I gonna be okay with snakes?  Well I still don't like 'em.  But God gave us victory over the devil through Christ.  We just need to trust and obey Him.  And today I got victory over a literal snake for the first time in my whole life!  I'm riding high!  With my feet still on the coffee table......

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