Thursday, August 31, 2017

I'm Feelin' Fifty-Six!

      Ha ha!   Not really even though I am.  56 that is.   As of yesterday.   That's four from 60 you know.   So I made some decisions yesterday.
      For one thing,  why would I wonder about things anymore?    I mean seriously.   I think I'm getting old enough that I can get by with doing some things just because I'm an old lady.   So when I looked at the beautiful fountain in the corner of my dining room yesterday and wondered what it would look like if the water was purple,  I made the water purple!   And I love it!
       When we went out to my favorite restaurant last night  and  someone else there was celebrating a birthday,  I threw up my arms and started singing  "They say it's your birthday. Na na na na na.  It's my birthday too! Na na na na na."   I don't know if the laughs at my table we're out of embarrassment or enjoyment.   But it doesn't matter.   I'm 56!  I was having a good time!
        Occasionally I go to the mailbox while still wearing my my nightgown.   Now if I lived on a quiet street it might be different.   But there is a very busy street that goes right by my house.   I'm usually very quick when I run to the mailbox in my nightgown.   However yesterday I took my time walking to the mailbox, yes while wearing my nightgown.  I'm on vacation this week  and was in no hurry to get dressed for the day.  Besides ,  I'm  56!  If I want to get the mail wearing my nightgown I will!
      I'm in bad need of a pedicure.   My roots are showing.   But I am in the mood to do some crafts today.   So that's what I will do.   If anybody says anything about my roots or my nails,  or my windows that need cleaned for that matter,  I'm 56.  So I will get to those things when I decide to get to those things.
      My family and friends made my day so special yesterday.   Flowers and gifts  and cards and texts and phone calls.   I can't remember when I've had a better birthday.   I am so truly blessed.   If that one day is any indication of what the rest of my year will be like, I think I'm going to enjoy being 56!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Two Weeks in a Row!

      Wow.   Seriously again this week.   God has wowed me more than I could ever imagine.   Now the devil tried to cause some trouble of course. But it didn't work for long!   He just doesn't learn new tricks and so he's not getting by with as much as he used to.
      Funny thing,  if you look at my life from the outside you probably would think it was a mess.   Like the flower beds in front of my house. For some reason I just haven't spent much time with those in the front yard this year.   I don't really see those except  for when I'm coming home or leaving.   But the ones in the backyard I see all the time.  I water them, admire them, and enjoy them every day!  So,  like my life,  from the outside it may look like it needs big time help.  But from behind the scenes, it's amazing!
      Part of the reason I've been walking on clouds this week is that I'm getting to experience God move. And oh how He is moving!  This week I got  to be a part of someone coming to know Him as Savior and Lord!  To know I  was used by God so that someone will go to Heaven someday, I can not come close to describing how that feels. To see a life change. To see a heart alive for Jesus!  I am in awe!
     The enemy tries so hard to throw circumstances in our faces and knock us down.  He tries to make us think we don't deserve forgiveness. We aren't good enough. "You can't fight those lions!"  "You can't win that war."  "You can't cross that sea on dry land." "You can't rise from the dead!"  Haha that's just what he thinks!   I am learning more every day that things are not as they seem.   And that I truly can do all things through Christ to strengthen to me!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Oh Wow......

     This has been some week!  I knew God was up to something.  I just knew it.  But I couldn't see it.  Boy oh boy.  When things start happening, they start happening. 
     Now let me say that it didn't look very godly when it all started.  At least not to me.   In fact I kinda freaked out a bit.  And hurt.  But then I prayed.  And calmed down.  And I moved forward.  And tried very hard to glorify God.  And what has happened since has been nothing short of a miracle.
     Oh how I wish I could share the amazing details, but I just can't.  Not yet anyway.  But what I can do is encourage you.  You may think your life is a mess and will never amount to anything.  Well let me just tell you, that's not true at all.  Once you give it all to God, you have a purpose!  A real, wonderful, amazing, awesome purpose!
     Do you every get discouraged?  Me too.  And there are days Romans 8:28 about God causing all things to work together for my good is all that gets me though.  Reading that just now I saw another verse that also blows my mind.  Romans 8:31 says that  'if God is for me, who is against me?' 
     Yes!  Let me say it again!  YES!  You know there are times we feel like everyone and everything is against us.  Things we could have never imagined are hitting us from all sides.  Indescribable pain because of the words or actions of others.  But what did Romans 8:31 say?  Hallelujah!  If God is for me, I'm unbeatable!
     Romans 8:32-35 goes on to say that He loved us so much that he didn't spare His own Son.  So if He loves us enough to die for us, does He stop there?  Absolutely not!  God takes care of His own.  And He judges those who reject Him.  There is absolutely nothing and no one that can separate us from His love once belong to Him.
     But, we must make the decision to accept Him.  That's what I want my life to be.  A vessel He can use to bring others to Him.  So let me tell you about my Jesus.  He is so amazing!  He fills us with love where hate wanted to grow.  He prompts us to forgive when the natural reaction would be revenge. 
    My Jesus.  He's so amazing!  Do you know Him?  Would you like to?  Please, oh please let me introduce you!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Forgiveness to Restoration to Fellowship

      Way back in the beginning when Adam and Eve messed up,  they really messed up.   God created man for fellowship with Him.  But after they sinned,  things changed. From that point on  it was about forgiveness and restoration.   Because without those two elements,  there is no fellowship for us with Him.
      So just what happens when we don't forgive?    Well,  as Christians we sure don't make a very good example to the world.  Why would they want to be like us if we are just bitter old unforgiving  people with a chip on our shoulders all the time?
      Now you  may think that that other person doesn't deserve your forgiveness.   In your mind all they deserve is karma and you are the one to deliver it.   Well first of all,  I really wish people would stop using the word karma  when they think other people are going to get what they deserve.   Karma is Hindu  and Buddhist  and has to do with past and future lives  and absolutely nothing to do with getting what you deserve here and now or even truth for that matter.  Anyone who uses the word karma these days is using it out of  ignorance.    Sorry to be so blunt  but I just wish people would really undestand the truth.
      Anyway,  guess what.   If I am offended it is not my job to pay the offender back for what they did to me.    It is simply my job to forgive.   This doesn't mean I am to be walked on.   Truth always needs to prevail.   It just means that I am free from bitterness and anger and pride and everything else involved in unforgiveness.
      So what happens when I'm free from all those things that go with unforgiveness?   It means that I can have fellowship with God.   And do you know what?   If I've truly forgiven my offender, I'm gonna want to pray for them. is actually His  job  to make sure that other person gets what they deserve.
      Speaking of ........  just what do they deserve?    Well if they repent then they deserve God's forgiveness and then they are rewarded with restoration and fellowship with Him.  Now wouldn't it be nice if we would all make that same choice?